Progress on the barn is rolling right along.... when I look at this "old" picture and compare it to last week's picture.. it reminds me just how far "we" have come on it. Pretty much we are in the detail stages, which is great fun for me, because it's something that I can really be a part of. The tack room walls are all done, the outside (alleyway) walls of the stalls are done.... pretty much the last of the big stuff is making the doors for the outside of the stalls, getting the stall fronts up, and finishing up the back of the barn. Then we need to move to the out outside... ie: fencing and getting the field ready for "visitors"... or rather "residents"......
Kassy and Nate are home for 10 days.... they are mainly here to attend a wedding of a dear friend, but are certainly enjoying the activities of the families. They have been doing all the "tourist" things, which is pretty fun... because as a rule, when you live in a tourist area, you tend to avoid those types of things.... not enjoy them. And of course the next time they head to Maine... it will be for good... and Ed and I will find ourselves "homeless"..... since they are moving into this house and we will be moving north. It's exciting and scary all rolled into one.
I have a confession that I just have to make, and my "horse" friends will know just what I am talking about.... I got "into big trouble" today with my farrier..... he came to trim Silver and Mocha's feet (Tonka is at Laura's)... well, when I pulled Miss Mocha out of her stall.... he was NOT too happy with me.... seems that Mocha is WAY overweight.. and boy, did I get a "talking to" on that!!!! Course, being a mini, it is super important that we carefully watch her weight.... these little ones can founder pretty easy.... and I certainly don't want to deal with anything like that!!!! So, Miss Mocha is on a very strict diet.. and "everyone" at the barn has strict instructions as to "how it's going to be" from now on....... since my farrier comes back in a mere 7 weeks, we have our work cut out for us!!!! "poor little girl".... but I would rather have a "grumpy" horse than a lame one!!!! we'll keep you posted on her progress........