He is my little trouble maker. And in the past 48 hours, Trevor has been on a roll with his trouble. It started when he ate my cross-stitch pattern!!!! The one that I have 3/4 of the way done, and is suppose to be a present for my niece next month..... THEN he decided that he would try the sheet rock out on the new sunroom. I heard him getting into mischief and I should have checked on him..... but it wasn't until he went past me with a chunk of sheet rock in his mouth, that I went and checked....sure enough, right by the door, a little patch had been torn off.......
But, today, took the prize... he started with a roll of toilet paper... (bad enough.)... and ended with.... Ed's paycheck!!!!... at least I think he ate the paycheck.... it's not where Ed left it, and its no where to be found. So, based on Trevor's track record.. we are assuming it's him again!!!!
Fortunately.... the toilet paper is replaceable.... and I called the company that made the cross-stitch pattern and they are sending me another copy of it (thought it was pretty funny that my dog "ate my copy"), the sheet rock thing can be covered by trim.... and that my hubby...who is extremely good natured --- was able to bring me another paycheck.....
And that Trevor lives in a home where ... for all his faults... he is dearly loved, because I wonder how it would have been for him if he wasn't ..............