Before I get into the story of the "Mom's birthdays".. I just had to share a couple of photos of Abbie at play. "Papa" (aka my Ed) made this cute little table for Abbie's barn and animals. She was so excited to have something that "fits her" like this. Though she did inform him that she needs a stool to sit on. Guess for now, she can manage with her ball, but a stool would be much better!!!
And I love this photo of "Beepa" (my Dad) and Abbie together. They are playing the marble game. This toy is at least 25 years old. My parents picked it up on a visit to the Amish country. It's a series of tracks that you let marbles roll along, until they end at the bottom in a little cup. My girls and many of their friends - along with all the other grandbabies - spent hours with this simple toy. Nice to see it's onto another generation.....
So, Kas and Nate hosted the Mom's birthday party this year. Kas had her little house all decked out for spring and this special occasion. Deb and I have a grand time celebrating our birthdays.. which are just one day apart.. mine the 30 and her's the 1st. I love these little owls that Kas made...
Norton came along to join the fun... though much of it was spent practicing his down stays!!!!
It turned out to be quite the party with both sides of the families all coming together. I've said this many times before, but any house that is filled with family and friends is the BEST...
Here's our cake.....
and our birthday photo.......
and a very excited Abbie and Naomi... kids know how to celebrate birthdays.....
cake and presents are a good way to end the day.
The next day, it was time for a drive. So, I pulled out Duke,
Hitched to the fore cart and off we went. The last time we had him out was for the sleigh ride, and I really want to hitch him more often. We had a good time driving out threw the fields, and a bit on the road.
I have also made reservations for the fall....(not wishing summer away).. but we are going to take Duke and spend four days of driving in Arcadia National Park. That is going to be fun!!!!!!!