So... THIS is what the barn looks like without a huge pile of snow all around it!! Actually, I think summer arrived in Acton yesterday.... temps were in the high seventies and the black flies were horrid!!!! Lucky us... the good thing is, they only hang around a few weeks, and for the most part are gone... I keep telling myself that tons of birdies are being fed by the little "buggers".. course, they're trying to "feed" on us!!!!
It's funny how projects like this one go... seems like there are huge changes, and even though the work progresses, you don't seem to notice anything new. Then all of a sudden, there are huge changes again....
And the big one for this week.... a driveway!!! It goes from the main road, to about where the house will be... and all the way to the barn (yes I have some tree trimming to do!!!) BUT, no more mud... so, if you were "waiting to visit"... drop by anytime... the path is clear!!!
I don't like seeing the land torn up and all these "piles" about.. but, can't be helped and I know its temporary....
"Mo" the operator of the big "tractor" is very clever... I love to watch things like this, he can move big huge mounds of dirt, or clear the tinest patch... it's a real talent....
This is also where the building part gets hard for me. I have such trouble looking at a semi-bare lot and "seeing" a house there. Ed, on the other hand, can picture it so easy, and he is always saying things like ..."so here's the front door, and the porch goes here, and t
The "good thing" is... we have built things together in the past, like our little camp... so, when Ed can "see" something, I trust his instincts.... and then when it's really there.... I can take over!!!!