And we are seriously beginning to get ready for baby Abbie. She will be here in just about a month, so Sadie is working on getting organized and trying to think ahead as much as she can. "We" have been EXTREMELY blessed. People hearing that she is expecting have given Sadie so many wonderful things... and there isn't much that she will need to get started. Just look at the clothes she has to sort thru!!! We have also decided that we will have an "after baby.. baby shower"... that way, Sadie will be able to show baby Abbie to everyone, and then she will also know what she might really need and be able to let folks know. It's pretty obvious that we won't be in the house before baby Abbie, so the three of us are trying to decide if we should move back into the big camp for the time being. It would certainly give us more room.. especially with another little person arriving... but we also "hate" to go to all the bother and not need it for very long... so that remains to be seen at the moment.. (though, I think we will end up moving once again.... )

The turkeys are getting huge and I can't believe how quickly they can go thru a bag of grain. As of this evening, they now live in Turkey Manor.. and if you read onto the next blog, you will know all about that.

No, we don't "spoil" our chickens or consider them "pets"... well, maybe we do, and Sadie thought that "miss Chicken" would appreciate a daisy necklace.. she did... as she ate it off herself.

And we now have "matching buildings"
"Sweetgrass barn"

"the Electric company"

and "Turkey Manor"
On thing for certain.. I can't say that life is dull
I also don't want this important date to be overlooked. Eight years ago, we lost thousands of people when our country was attacked... may God send his blessings on the families who lost their dear loved ones... 9-11-01....................