So the week between Christmas and the New Year... first off, it's been COLD!!! really cold... and even though the sun shines so bright, I have to admit, I don't feel like heading out. The woodstove is so warm, there are plenty of "hand work projects" to keep me happy and being inside seems perfectly fine.
Course, being "cold" is no excuse.. having chosen this "farm life".. there are chores that need attention, and even though I would be just as happy sitting inside... the barn calls and I need to be out and taking care of the animals.
The horses do fine in the cold. Everyone has a big furry coat... hay and water provide good internal heat, and they know how to catch the warmth of the sun. If only I were as brave as they are.
I don't remember having cold snaps as long as the last few have been. We usually get a few days of really cold weather, but it would seem this winter we are getting weeks of cold.... Ed and I have some "fears" of our stock of wood, so we'll be keeping an eye on that.....
I worry some about Silver too.... being such an old boy. On really cold nights, we do blanket him, but he is mostly happy without one.
I will say, we are going threw some hay as well as wood... but we are in really good shape in that department. Goodness, that hot 4th of July weekend seems so long ago... but am I glad that we brought that hay in... and had the help of the "marines" to do it!!!!
Even Annabelle stays well fed... she comes out to eat, and then hops back into her little kitty house. I check on her often and find her to be snug and warm in her little house... sure happy that we got that for her.
Camille continues to enjoy our tree. Every year she does this.. claims the spot under the tree. Moxie used to do that, so maybe she learned it from her. But the other thing is.. the afternoon sun lays nicely threw the french doors... so, this spot under the tree is always the sunniest on these winter afternoons.
New Year's eve day... Abbie is back for a sleep over. Sadie and Jessie had outdoor plans, and thinking Abbie might not be so happy doing that, they asked if she might not come and be with us again... (oh yeah.. like I have to be asked twice). Ab didn't get to see Aunt Becky and Uncle Ed at Christmas, so I had their gift for her. She was thrilled with their scooter.... and has decided that it's a good thing to keep here at Baby and Papa's....
And Papa found for her an after Christmas gift.... this is a "flutter fairy" and seem to be a favorite this year. (we're sort of out of the loop of the favorites....) But Abbie was thrilled to get her....
and you got it.... she flies!!!! It's the neatest thing... and she has a little sensor in her feet, so as she heads to the ground, she then floats up again. We had a great time playing with her this afternoon.
I'm not a big fan of New Year's... never have been... I know people wait all year for it.. but to me.. it's the end of the holidays and winter seems to only loom ahead. However, I am trying to change my idea about that... and since we aren't really the party type either.. simply heading down to Kas and Nate's.. for a dinner out, was just (if not better) as good.
We went out to a local Chinese restaurant... it was very good and not so busy (though we were there early).
After supper, it was back to Kass and Nate's for a little bit... Abbie and Reagan played and we just enjoyed being with our kids and grands.....