So, I won't say that this Christmas season hasn't been "one bit normal" in our opinion. Dad is still in the hospital, he is improving, but the recovery road is going to be a long one. Ed and I had talked (last summer/fall) about trying to go to Arlington or even Williamsburg for a little trip away, but it never panned out, and then with Dad, it wouldn't have happened anyways. Disappointing, sure, but it's just the way things go. The thing is, we do have beautiful places right here at home.. places that people travel here to see...
and it makes me realized that sometimes, the things that are in your own back yard.. are the things you don't even see. We decided to spend an evening out, enjoying the things that are right here, and I have to say... it was quite wonderful.
It was a cold winter night, we bundled up... I had some shopping ideas that I wanted to see if I could tend to... and the city was just amazing as we walked threw. I loved seeing all the "windows" dressed for the holiday... and really loved this beautiful feather tree....
Portsmouth is an old historical city, and they have a number of events happening this time of year. Now, it wasn't Colonial Williamsburg, but Strawberry Banke looked just as charming.....candles in the windows, music playing... old time Santa greeting one and all
The city was all decked out, with both the modern....
and a taste of the "old"......
You could tour threw many of the houses, and they were decorated for their time... some along the Victorian age....
others more along the colonial age. The houses were warm and toasty and it was nice to step inside, and warm up in their charm. People were happy and kind (none of the usual holiday sneer...) and it just put everyone in that happy spirit that we so easily loose this time of year...
A new public skating rink has been opened for the winter. Everyone seems to be enjoying that.. and we enjoyed watching the skaters on the "pond"...
They even had carriage rides going threw the city. I would have loved to taken one, but the line of people waiting was long.. and really, I can do that at home. But it was nice to hear the horses walking threw and the happy sounds of the folks enjoying the ride....
"Thank you old city".. for a night "away".. (even if we didn't travel far) and I must remember to think about the things that are right here. Take the time to enjoy them more....

and yes, I did pick up some neat little Christmas gifts....
Even though life and Christmas is going on day by day.. and my Mom encourages us to "continue with our daily things" My Dad is always on my mind. He is still in the hospital, but we are seeing improvements... small ones, but improvements all the same. And all of us, continue..... so, this evening, we had our Christmas get together with the "Brentwood power equipment folks" aka, where Ed works... aka... family.
Just a time to get together, to celebrate not just Christmas, but the wonderful blessing that this extended family all works together. Dave being the owner... Nate the manager and Ed, one of the small engine mechanics... little Reagan is so blessed to be brought up in such a manner...
Dave looks "worried" (not)... maybe hoping that no one orders lobster!!! (and no one did!!! LOL) that's Lauren and Johnny..... too
serious conversations happening all around the table....
Reagan and Auntie Lauren, checking out the amazing fish tank that was in the restaurant... it was a fun evening, good food, wonderful company and conversation, and a change to be reminded of how good things really are.....
This time of year, the boarding kennel begins to get busy once again. Livy was just thrilled to see that one of our guests for a few days is her brother!!! (not of the same litter, but of the same Mom)..... he lives close by, so Livy is always happy when they can be together....
We don't have much snow right now, but it's very cold.. too cold to be outside long for playtime. So the mudroom serves a good purpose for that!!!!
And then another party of the week... my dog club's annual Christmas pot luck supper and then charity auction..... again, just a fun time to take a break, and have a chance to sit and talk with the friends I have. (we are often just spending a few moments together between dog classes or at meetings....) cute little tree put up by some of the members....
and the tables with cute decorations, and really good food. I am a pot luck gal, because I find that people always bring "their best things"... and there was much to choose from!!!!
I brought Danny Boy with me, and Mary and Scott had Peace with them. Both of these pups will be turning in soon.. Danny to neads of course, and Peace goes onto CCI. This is good "work" for them, and they both did really well....
We had a good turn out this year.....
Everyone filled their plates, and settled in for some good eats and visiting.....
Afterwards.. we have our auction. This is where the members donate "mystery" gifts.. with clues.. and we bid on them, never quite knowing what you might get. The monies that are made are donated to some "project" that we chose ... it's fun, and full of laughs and surprises.... Wayne is always our "volunteer auctioneer"....
Deciding as to whether it's a good buy or not.....
All these gals have been friends for many many years...not just "in dogs" but in real true life friendships.... maybe because my Dad is going threw his thing, but I am in a real sense of appreciation this year for all the many blessings that I have....
I have to admit, with Dad being so sick, I feel as though we are just trying to make Christmas be what it is... that happy time of year. We have little ones.. Naomi, Abi and Reagan, who we have to keep in mind that Christmas is magical for them... thank goodness, because they do keep me grounded .....
A bit of snow here and there makes the world look like Christmas... and I am working on hand made gifts (as I usually do).. so again those things help...
But often the days just feel gray.... and each time the phone rings I jump. Dad is improving but there is just so much going on, and even when he gets this behind him.. there will be many life changes for him, and really for all of us.....
But today was a bright spot too... Pastor Abbie had asked if I were planning on attending church and bringing Danny along. I said probably yes, and then she told me that we had a visiting minister coming who would be bringing her neads ministry dog.. General with her, and she really wanted us to meet. Well.. I wasn't about to miss out on that.....
This is Pastor Inke and since Pastor Abbie had told her all about me... we were really looking forward to meeting each other. Pastor Inke told how she got General and about the work they do together . Course I just love hearing stories like that....
After church, we allowed the dogs to meet with each other. but funny thing, they weren't that excited about meeting each other. General was way more interested in the church people, and Danny would prefer being with the kids. Not that they didn't like each other, just that service dogs are used to being around other dogs, so really.. it's not that exciting. Even still, though Pastor Inke and I plan a play date together for the pups, thinking that if they are out of uniform, they will have a better time together.
She and her husband will be moving to here for a while as she is helping out another church. So I hope we will find the time to get together....

that is, if I can get Danny Boy away from the kids!!!!
Dad's condition is always present in my thoughts and prayers. They are starting to talk about moving him to a regular hospital room, which is great news. But, we are still very much on the watch .....
My Mom continues to encourage all of us to "keep going" with every day plans. I have to admit, I'm not as excited about Christmas as I usually am... but I am keeping with "daily plans"... and so, cookies.. shortbread to be exact... my favorite cookie of the season
I have begun to bring out the decorations.. but am thinking just the favorite ones will be brought out this year. My feather tree is one... and I love these little tin reindeer.
A present came in the mail the other day... from MaryEllen. She found this wonderful book at a little book fair, and thought it would be perfect for me to read to the grands.... it's about a little girl who dreams of horses and being able to own one. Her dream horse is white - like our old Silver boy - and the illustrations in the book are beautiful. I can't wait to read this to the grands......
I have been planning for a while to have the kids up for a Christmas lunch... make cookies and take a little trip to a special store and let them shop as part of their Christmas present. I pulled out the Christmas china.... made some nice chicken salad.....
and happily waited their arrival.
When they came, I hopped in the car and directed Kassy to our "secret" location... Stonewall kitchens. I have an outlet near me, which sells the seconds... so, if you don't mind the label being crooked on the jar... or not quite full to the top.. or too much of one thing.. this is place to go. Because the discounts are amazing. I gave Kas and Sadie a "budget" and while they shopped for goodies, I watched the grands. The girls had a great time and got all sorts of wonderful things... and both thought it was a neat idea....
Then it was back to the farm, for some play time, lunch and cookie decorating... course, you just know what one little boy looks for a Baby's house....
There were some small gifts for them to open.....
time to eat.....
and onto cookies.... some of us took this whole cookie thing, very seriously.....
A wise Mommy took this little boy's shirt off.. just in case frosting didn't get all the way on the cookie.....
and of course, you have to eat what you have accomplished....
I had the tree up, but not decorated.. so everyone pitched in and we had a fun time doing that. Abi was so cute and very good at directing us on where all the ornaments should be placed.
Kass and Sadie know a lot of my ornaments, and we had fun talking about all the stories that went with them....
All done and looking very fine......
Time for something quiet, so I put on "Charlie Brown's Christmas"...Reagan's getting old enough to be interested in short TV stories like this (I love the seat that he chose)...
They had fun watching.. and reminded me of when my gals were little and we all watched together. This year Charlie Brown's Christmas is 50 years old......
Just enough snow to make it white, and after movie time, the kids wanted to get out and play for a little bit....
Sliding and swinging in the snow... why not???
Abi and I did a quick check on the bees. They seem to be doing OK.... I hope we can pull them threw the winter.... spring time will tell.....

and as I had thought, the day went by in a blink, and my house looked like this. I think I'm the happiest when I have a messy-grandchildren home!!! This was a great day, and I hope I can plan many more of them....