Give it just a bit of time, and this will green up well, and the boys will have grazing all summer long.

Ed has been wanting to get another corner post in for quite sometime. We had rigged the corner with a regular fiberglass post, and so far, it held up. But if the drafts get "horsing" around, it wouldn't stand up to them. So, we put on the boots, headed out to the mud and got a hole dug for the new post.

Abbie was with us, as Sadie was at work. I just buckled her into the "gator" and she buzzed around the pasture with us as we worked. She seemed pretty happy with all the activity.... we'll make her a "country baby" yet!!!!

We kept the boys in while we worked.. mainly so they wouldn't be under foot and "helpful".. once we let them out, Tonka went straight out to the fence and walked the line. I could almost here him saying "what's with this???"

Then he went back to where the new post was (and all that "new" mud) and took a nice little roll for himself. Silver decided that he would "smile" for the photo!!!!!

and then had a little roll for himself. Ah, shedding season... gotta love it.

Abbie seemed pretty happy "playin" around the farm .. she loves to be outside and just a part of anything that is going on!!!!

And here's our Chester.. home after surgery. He wanted to "fuss" with his boo-boo, so they had to send him home with this silly cone thing. He actually didn't mind it too much, and slept most of the rest of the day and evening. Give him a day or two and he'll be back to himself.
I said to Ed, the animals are going to want to keep far from me... poor Chester and his operation, the boys crowded into a small paddock.. I bet the others are just waiting to see what I'll do to them!!!!!!!!!!!!