After a "whole winter of waiting".... look who arrived safe and sound on Friday, May 9th.... this is "Rollin' Thunder Josiah Norton"... a brand new colt belonging to my friends, Karen and Missy!!!! His mom is a gypsy vanner mare.... "Lainey" (aka Rollin Thunder Lainey May)....
Currently both are at our trainer's farm (Laura), and week after week, when Tonka and I went for our lessons, the big question was... is the baby here yet. Last Thursday, the answer was the same "no, not yet"... but he did arrive shortly there after!!!!
Karen reports that all went well, that Lainey is a proud and excellent Mom (she has had babies before!!!) and that little Josiah is a doll. How could he not be???
"This" is such a nice breed of horse... it would be a dream of mine to one day have one!!! but in the meantime, I will just have to "enjoy" the vanners of Rollin Thunder!!!!!
I have a feeling that this is just the first of many hugs and kisses!!!!!!!