Even though we are working on the barn, building a new house, moving from an old house, and goodness knows what else.... summer dog classes continue on schedule. But I have to say, no matter how tired I am at the end of the day, teaching is one of my greatest joys. Especially when I am blessed to have such wonderful classes filled with great people and dogs. Such was the case with my "rally class" that graduated last evening... this has got to be the "funnest" group of people that you would ever want to meet. Everyone did an outstanding job and I dare say, some are more than ready to compete!!!! Everyone is so helpful to everyone else, always encouraging each other, and laughing together at their mistakes!!! And talk about a "mixed" group!!!! It's times like this that I know I have the very best job in the world........ so congratulations to all my fine students, and get out there and get those "legs"!!!!!!