So, skipped out on church Sunday and after a nice breakfast together, Butch got right to work. I told him that Tonka was the problem child, so he started with him. I was pleased to see that Tonka did give Butch some attitude, which gave me the chance to see what handling techniques Butch used with him. Course it didn't take but a few "moments" and Tonka began to think better. I am used to this, it's what I do with my dog training - owner calls me in, I think it's "simple" but to someone who doesn't know or isn't sure, it's amazing.

The other nice thing is seeing what ideas other people come up with. I sometimes work with the horses, doing all these "exercises" and then can't think of anything else to do. There is ALWAYS something else to do, so, now I have a "new" list to work with. For example.... walking him into the trees. Now Tonka probably thinks this is the most ridiculous idea that ever happened, but the point is.. the human wants it done, so barring a life threatening situation you (the horse) must do it!!!!

When we put the boys together, it became a whole new lesson. It's one thing to work a horse single, and a whole "other" to work a team. Here we are in need of some harsh "get your act together boys" words.......

But "forgiveness" and kind hands quickly follow... along with a few moments for the horses to "think about that" and settle down... this is what I call ---- horsemanship!!!!!
Butch also wanted to check harness fittings and hitching fittings. He made some adjustments, but overall, we were on the right track.

After doing their work the night before, the Belgians seemed pretty happy hanging out in the round pen and watching the Percheron's doing a little work. Do you suppose they are thinking "been there -done that, good luck guys"......

Old Silver wasn't too excited about being left out, and he followed the team along the fence line all day. I've been worrying over this old boy, fussing with his food and keeping a careful eye on him. But after the miles he logged this day... I think things are going well for him.

We spent the better part of the day, driving, training. I had invited several horse friends to come and watch. It's always great to share information even if driving might not really be your thing. So Rick, Belinda and Denise came by. Not only did they get to watch, but they also did some driving and riding...
NOW... THIS is what I'm talking about. A nice Sunday ride (out on the street) with two horses behaving like a team. I got my work cut out, but the bottom line.... it can be done!!!!!

Abbie was quite taken with the big guys. Not one bit afraid of them.... that's our girl. She'll be a horseman yet.....

Abbie was quite taken with the big guys. Not one bit afraid of them.... that's our girl. She'll be a horseman yet.....
"Hey get over here and talk to me"....