For months now, I have felt rather guilty.... , when I am working at the farm, it means leaving dogs at home. I just can't keep an eye on everyone and "do" what ever it is that I am there for. We brought a kennel run up from the old house and I kept saying to Ed that I would like to set it up at the farm. That way, when I am busy , the dogs can be "with me" and I don't have to worry about where they are or what they are up to. So, this afternoon...Ed said, "Let's get that kennel up".

The Kennel fit perfectly in the area that we cleared. We kept the bigger straighter trees, and any hardwood trees (which aren't many) that we came across. There is nice shade in the kennel and plenty of room to move about. The dogs are going to be happy to be there.

We gave it "a try" ... Mr. Guinea was quite interested in it himself. He kept walking by it.. perhaps he is impressed that he is loose and the dogs are penned.
Both Ed and I were pretty tired last night, and secretly glad that we didn't get a call about another load of hay being ready.... however, later in the evening, Harold called and said the officer's meeting scheduled for Monday evening was going to be postponed.... due to hay!!!!!!!!!!!!!