Abbie was so excited to go and watch Naomi... though I must confess, that I wasn't thinking too well, and Abbie was quite upset that she "wore pants" to this event when all the other little girls were in their ball dress..... oh my.... won't forget that another time!!! But, she did smile whenever she got to be with her cousin......
The kids were so cute, they had been practicing their dancing for quite some time, and even had chosen partners!!! This little chap happens to be Naomi's crush, and you can be sure that all "slow" dances were done with him!!!!
After the ball, there was only one way to end the evening.... our first ice cream run of the season!!! And even though it was a chilly spring night, that ice cream sure tasted good..... winter must be over, if we are doing ice cream runs!!!!!
However, the next morning, we awoke to this....... I guess ol' man winter is having the last laugh... maybe it was ice cream last night, but today.. it's just plain ice.....
With a bit of snow... just for good measure. Ed had been talking about shutting the wood furnace down, but I'm glad we haven't done it yet.... I think we're going to need heat for a bit longer.... ugghhhh.....
The dogs don't seem to mind... and in fact, had a grand time out this morning. Now, we really don't have this many dogs!!!! It's vacation week, and it seems all smart people head south.. which is exactly where all the owners of these guys have gone. The kennel has been very busy this week (and next).. which is nice for me, except I could use a little warm weather....
At this rate, I have a feeling that spring is just going to come and catch us all off guard......
Poor little robins, they are probably wishing they had waited just a bit longer...
come on spring... we're waiting!!!!!