Ever since I lost my dear little Beeker, I have thought that sometime, I would like to have another silkie chicken. I have been looking in the local feed stores, but because they really aren't a good laying bird, silkies aren't there. You can order them, but it's a bit too late in the summer to do that now. However, living in a small town, word gets out fast, and it's pretty well known that I was looking for a silkie. Well... I didn't get one... I got FIVE!!!! A rooster, two hens (for sure) and two little ones (don't know "what" they are yet).

Roger (who is the overseer of the landfill) raises birds, and on one of our dump runs, he asks if it's true... do I want some silkies. I say - yes, one or two would be nice, but he has a small flock that must go together. Well.. let me think about that, and then I hear, "I have your birds here at the dump, come get them".... ya, OK Roger.... guess I have some birds. 
Silkies come in all colors and feather type, other than the handsome black rooster, the others aren't as fluffy as Beeker was, but they are silkies. Beautiful blue ear patches, five toes and feathered legs... black skin and some fluff.. and friendly... you can pick up each one....
We're still picking out names for them.. and they aren't hard to tell apart due to their colorings. The two little hens are laying already, and the younger ones may lay before the summer is over (unless this one here is another rooster).... and who knows, we might even get some little ones ourselves... but either way, silkies are back on the farm, and I may have another Beeker!!!!
Oh my, the summer is fading fast, and I don't think I have done even half of the things I dreamed about last winter. It seems as though every weekend we are doing as much as possible.. not that we aren't enjoying it, but there are just too many fun things still to see and do.
The next town down we went and saw this water skiing show. Boy, we're they good!!! I appreciate anyone who can stay up on skies, but the tricks that theses folks could do!!!!
I was pretty impressed when they pulled three people....
And then, they added more (it was a pirate theme just in case you couldn't tell). They did jumps and flips, carried more people on their shoulders....
and ended the show by pulling 10 people.
The next evening we had a big cookout at the farm with all my friends from the "service dog world". We thought that a cookout would be more fun that our usual "puppy training night".. not that we don't have fun there... but this was fun with good food!!!!
As usual, we had a nice big crowd. I wished our back deck had been done, but everyone seemed to have fun on the front lawn. It was my dream to have Tonka and Duke give some hay rides... sadly, they had other ideas.... oh well, maybe next year!!!!
We shared stories and talked dogs, and another evening went zipping by.....
A few stayed a little later, so we moved inside ahead of the bugs. Otis had the "job" of entertaining Abbie, who now has figured out how leashes work. Poor dogs, we have to hide the leashes, or they find themselves being towed all around the house by Abbie....

Nothing "better in the world" than tired kids and puppies!!!!!
Just for the record... we have been in the house for a year.....