so, after a week of nearly pouring rain.. today begin a very hot weather pattern... and we find ourselves once again, at a NEADS check in. Spending a hot day in the city wouldn't normally be my idea of "fun", but when it's spent with puppies and people..welll... even a hot day in the city can be good. Today had several things going on... so, let me start with Rick and Kelli.
When they lost their beloved Mindy last fall, we - the puppy raisers - wanted to do something for them, for her. Kathleen came up with the wonderful idea of doing a "memory stone". There is a beautiful garden at NEADS for the clients and staff to enjoy... and in the gardens are stones with the names and dates of doggies that have gone on ... we wanted Mindy to be a part of that tribute....Sherry presented Rick with Mindy's stone....
and we headed into the garden, so Rick could find just the perfect spot. It is so pretty there, with all the garden walkways lined with these stones... and Mindy will always be part of the NEADS team....
Gerry joined us as well.... and along with Sherry took Rick around the garden looking for the perfect spot..... it was a quiet moment and we all just waited quietly listening to the birds and enjoying the start of the summer day
and after a bit of time, Rick chose a shady corner and Mindy's stone and picture were carefully placed. Among the other stones of honor .......
One never says goodbye to a beloved dog...
And when you have the chance to share these moments with others, who truly understand, that in itself is a joy. Dave and Rick spent some time together sharing memories of their great dogs....
And we did likewise.....
Part two of the day was getting Rylie back... I was so happy to see her, and she was happy to see me too. Course, that meant saying goodbye to Hope... but Dave said she could spend the day with us, and that good, because Rick now had a puppy to work with. (Hope is in the back pack)....
Into the city.... the day was getting hot fast, but everything is in bloom. I loved seeing this dog wood tree which was just outside of the hospital....
We were happy to get inside... in the AC. Trouble is when you go from "woodstove weather to summer weather"... it's a shock, so we were happy to get out of the heat, even though the day was almost too pretty to be inside.
Lunch time... and good laughs.....
This is one of my favorite parts of the day...
Hard to believe that we are sitting inside, when this is what surrounds us.....
But, enough "fooling around"... we are there to "work" after all.... so, we hit the elevators... by now, this is really beginning to be "old hat" for this group of puppies. Which, I should probably quit calling them puppies, because... we are quickly hitting the one year mark....
(Ya, Rylie.... we can ride this thing all we want, I doubt I will ever truly be comfortable on an elevator..... it's a long ways down there!!!!)
Here's the group... Vega and Shawna... Otis and Linda... Bernice... Rick and Hope... then Kathleen had Mercury and I had Ry.....
From the hospital we walked threw the park and headed over to the train station. Because of the beautiful day.. the park was busy... just what Dave hoped..... lots of people, noise, baby strollers, roller skaters... etc. etc.....
The only thing that "bothered" Otis and Rylie was the heat... there are disadvantages to being a dog with a black coat....
We got to the train station, and waited for the train to pull in. Hopped on a few times... but after the trip we made to Washington last December... hopping onto trains isn't any big deal....
The AC was on in the train as well... I don't think Rylie really wanted to get off...
Rylie and Hope.... I find it "odd" that I get to be around siblings so much..... I have a feeling these gals will both make the program.... I have enjoyed having them both.....
Hot dogs int he city.... time to head for home... and Hope will be going back to the prison program to finish up her advance work...
Labs, ready to head north. We stopped at our favorite Cracker Barrel had some supper and mulled over the details of the day. This will be Rylie's last ride home from NEADS... we have been told that next month's check -in will be our good bye time. But, I'd rather not write about that now.. we still have the whole month of June together and I plan to enjoy every moment....