"where did the time go??"

I remember last year, hoping that we would be in the house before she arrived.. and then hoping we would be in the house before we brought her home.. and then hoping we would be in the house for her first Christmas... well, none of that happened, but we ARE in the house for her first birthday... and party!!!!

Preparations have been going on for weeks. Kassy was in charge of "sweets".. her cake .. (see the little farm!!!) then cupcakes, and of course the "smash cake".I don't ever recall needing so many "cakes" for one party... but, this is Abbie we're talking about!!!!

"the gals".. getting things ready for our guests!!!!

And Abbie taking in all the excitement....

"this whole cake is mine????"

it didn't take her long to figure out "what" to do with it...

Uncle Coz... wishing the birthday girl many happy days....

and the perfect opportunity to get some wonderful family photos.... not to brag, but doesn't our family host some very pretty gals......

I knew we would see it sometime.. that "this is way too much look"... but over all, Miss Abbie stayed very happy during such a busy day...

Course, when you come to visit here, it's never complete unless we make a trip to the barn and see the animals. My sister Becky just loves Beeker and never comes to visit without checking in on her.

It was our hope to give our guests a nice hayride around the farm.. sadly the big boys had a different idea, and they were so horrible!!! I don't know if it was the wind or the crowd or what.. but we decided not to put anyone else in the wagon. Guess we have some work to do with these two...

However, little Mocha was a perfect gal, and at least she hitched and took the children for "pony rides"
It was a very fun day, and now we have officially moved from "baby" to "toddler"... ugh... "school age " will be here way too soon, I just know it....