Look alot like....
Well, you all know how the song goes, but this morning we awoke to a light dusting of snow. It didn't amount to much, but it is the first "real" snow of the season (we have had flurries ) and it made a pretty sight along the camp road.
I can't decide if I am "ready" for snow or not. It always brings an excited feeling, but with the house and barn still in progress, I wouldn't mind a bit of "open weather" for another few weeks.

I got the candles in the windows, and some decorations for the barn door. We are scoping out where the tree will go (and where we will get a tree) and thinking about the days ahead. The church calendar came in the mail today, and there's lots going on with that....including a "bell choir" that I am going to ask about, I would love to be in a bell choir!!!!! I just love the sound of bells!!!!

Ed and I ran some errands down in Portsmouth ths afternoon, and had lunch with some friends when we met up by chance. The stores looked pretty busy with all this "black Friday" business, but we steered clear of that. And I guess, the "official holiday season has begun".......