I found Camille and Dancer cuddled in my chair. Camille has had a long week, and there is no doubt in my mind that she is missing Moxie as much as I am. She now has to "do" all the dog classes herself, not that she hasn't been doing them since I "retired" Moxie from the floor, but Moxie still came to classes, and waited in the crate while Camille and I worked. Then, when Camille needed a break she would go into the crate with Moxie and rest, and there I believe she really misses her pal.

She seems to have this somber look about her these days. She just needs time, we will heal together I am sure.

Even though I am getting tired of "winter".. you have to admit, there is a beauty to it, and we should appreciate that.
It was perfect snowman snow for sure, as a child I would have made a dozen snowmen on a day like this!!!

It would be nice if this were the last snow that found it's way into Ed's work shop!!! The guys just didn't have enough time to get the roof on before this snow. We're not out of the woods yet, maybe more snow on Sunday... and we still have the month of March to deal with. (which can be some of the biggest snowfalls!!!)

Thought I would get this picture of my "front door and steps"... I seriously hope it won't be like this NEXT winter!!!

Annabelle was in rare form today... she found stall mucking a most interesting task... and also found that she could give me a "whacK' as I passed by with the shovel... what a funny girl she is turning out to be....
I have decided that I am going to buy a new camera hopefully, this weekend. My little camera is getting tired, and the white mark on my photos is a result of a badly scratched lens. We bought this camera about five years ago, and a lot has changed in the digital world since then. As Ed said, with all the blog photos I do and just photos in general, it is time to up grade... so, guess that will be the project of the weekend. I also have been in contact with my trainer, and Tonka and I will be back on schedule beginning March 5th.... oh to ride again... that is a sure sign that spring is close...