"golden girl" and I, but that is what the public training is all about.

Deb was able to join us as well, she is looking for a "Mother of the Bride" dress for Lauren's wedding next summer. I assured all the shoppers that I was totally happy poking around the mall with Ginger and practicing all sorts of lessons... "under" being one of them. Funny how this service dog thing has changed me.. I actually look to go to malls, ride in elevators, and a few other activities that were never on my list of things to do. Ginger had a good day, and of course, she got lots of attention. It's fun to see how folks behave around her, some just don't "get it", others know that she is a working dog and shouldn't be bothered.. and some just have to stop and ask all the questions.. but again, I don't mind any of it.

We popped into one store that had these big mirrors... Ginger could not believe her eyes... another Golden in the store??? "Mom!! do you see this??? Look at the beautiful dog!!!"

"Wait a minute... that's me!!!!! "

"Oh, I am way prettier than I even thought!!!"

OK, I'll admit it, for the past few weeks I have been fussing at Ed about the pantry. It's on our 'needs to be finished" list, and since it isn't (hasn't) been done, I haven't really moved into yet. The bad part is, it's becoming a catch all for everything, and stuff is piling up. I can't find anything in there, and the more the piles grow the worse it gets. So, I said to my dear Ed, its time to get that project done!!!!

"well", he says "make it so I can get in there and get something done". Which I did (and now everything in there is living on the dining room table)... but there is room to get it done.

And so, true to his word... Ed got the shelves made for the pantry!!!!

The "thing is".. it only took him one (long) afternoon to finish it.. I thought this was a project that would have taken days!!! Had I known it was going to be so quick, I would have been fussing months ago!!! It looks so nice and is exactly what I was hoping for...
but, guess who has the work now??? I need to get the shelves primed and painted before I can move in... so, think I better get done with this blog and get to work!!! I can't wait to move in here!!!!