I fell in love with her, the first time I saw her, and she has been an amazing dog!!!
Her official name is Sleepyhollow's Ready or Not, CD/CDX/RN/CGC/TDI/FD/ChFD, Can. CD/CDX, UKC CD/CDX but for those of us who know and love her.... "Moxie" works just fine!!!
We have had many wonderful adventures! She has traveled up and down the east coast, and to Canada, has had her picture in the newspaper, has been a catalog model, and has won many titles and awards. She has been my companion and friend and we are hardly ever apart.She is the top dog in the house, and has taught all the spaniels proper doggie rules .(she housetraines puppies quicker than I ever could), she has been an excellent "foster mom" and has trained more of them than I (food aggression issues, getting along in a pack, not being shy around people!) She knows when to "push" and when to "back off"... I have learned a great deal from her!!! She loves life, and wakes up every morning with a wagging tail, ready to take on whatever the day may have to offer!!!
So in celebration of this wonderful creature.........HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Moxie (aka Moobie-shoo)