This morning, Ed goes to do some work on the barn, and as usual, meets up with Ken. They putter around for awhile, and then decide that they need some supplies from the local lumber shop. Off they go.
After loading up with things and heading back to the barn, it is about lunch time, so they stop at a little store to get some sandwiches made. Just as they are leaving the store, Ed hears Acton Fire tone out for a structure fire!!! And it just so happens that this fire is just a very short drive from where they are. Now, Ed is a member of Acton ( as well as chief here in York ) and Ken is a Wakefield firefighter and used to be on Acton.. so needless to say, they both rush to the scene.
They are the first ones there, a lady is waiting outside, and smoke is

When "Acton" arrives, they are a bit surprised to see a York Fire chief and a Wakefield Firefighter have saved the day ... er house!!! but everyone is quite pleased that they did, especially the home owner!!! The Acton fire crews make a double check of the situation, and asks Ed to continue his radio traffic to the dispatch as needed.
After their big fire adventure, the two of them head to the barn. Now, as I said on a previous blog, the trucks can't make it back and forth across the field right now.

Look what the two of them did to my little gator. Loaded it to the gills and had it carry all their supplies across the field to the barn!!!!
I don't know, Ed and Ken are a pair that spells trouble in my book!!! I thought that Ed and Dave made enough mischief, without Ed having another partner in crime!!!!
but who am I to "complain".. they have built a fine barn this winter, and now can go on the "books" as the rescuers of houses!!!
Not a bad job guys!!!!