We also had an "extra" service dog visiting during the week. Remember our little friend Vicki.. well, she is getting ready for her turn in, and before she goes, she needed to go out on a puppy swap. She went to Linda's for a few weeks, spent her time at Cabela's and then came to the farm. Bogey thought it was great to have another golden to play with.... Vicki did quite well on her "swap" and will be heading to advance training quite soon..
Thursday afternoon my dear friend Linda, and her family, arrived from New York. They were in Maine for a family reunion, and decided to take a few extra day to come and visit with us. They stayed in the camp, so the kids could have some time at the lake, as well as on the farm. Ian was quite in love with Mocha.... Rachel had come a number of summers ago, and spent time with me and the horses. Since that summer she has gone to be quite a young lady and her love for horses has not changed. She was more than happy to pull each one of the boys out and do a proper grooming on them. Here she is showing younger brother Johnathan how to groom... he was very brave around the big guys as long as his sister was there.
Kaitlyn has also turned out to be quite the lover of horses... Silver certainly enjoyed all the attention that the girls gave him. (he just about fell asleep during his grooming session)....
Nice photo of two friends reunited. Silver was (is) such a great horse, and so many young kids had their first horse experiences with him. I'm glad Rachel got the chance to visit with him again.....
After a busy day around the farm and the lake, Linda and I thought it would be fun to take the kids down to the beach. Sadie, Abbie, Kass and Nate joined us.. and we just had fun letting the kids run and enjoy the time together.
Johnathan had been asked not to get too wet in the ocean.... hummmmmmm
Since they live "inland" the ocean is a real treat for these guys, so Linda "gave up" and just let them enjoy. The water was pretty cold, but I guess they didn't mind....
From the beach, we moved over to the playground. Nate challenged Abbie to a race on the slide......
and with Mom's help, she conquered the wiggly walk way....
As did Johnathan.... the whole evening flew by, but it was a tired happy bunch of kids (and adults) that headed for home.... the neat thing... the weekend has just begun....