Today we took Miss Abbie (and miss Ginger) on their very first apple picking adventure. The apples this year are really good, though they do have small "bruises" from that horrid hail storm we had last August. But other than that, they are sweet, red and perfect. The gals at the apple orchard took a few moments to give Abbie directions in "apple picking".. she was very interested in trying it out.

We headed off into the orchard. What is it about these types of things... like picking out your Christmas tree, or picking apples... you (we) ended up walking by many trees all loaded with apples, thinking the next row might have something better??? Why don't you stop at the first tree (Ed asks every year in the Christmas tree hunt!!!)

It didn't take Abbie too long to get the hang of it...

This is SO her Mom's face!!!! Sadie does this all the time.....

Ginger was so interested in the whole process, especially when Abbie offered the apples that she had taken a bite out of....

Oh-oh... spillage!!!!! No harm done, just put them back in the bag.....