We had some sad news on the farm yesterday... "AJ" (ie Apple Jacks aka Brown Bunny) passed away. I think the extreme heat we have had over the past couple of days was more than he could handle. We were very careful that "everyone" had plenty of water, and shelter... because this kind of weather certainly takes it toll on creatures... on everyone!!!
I don't really know how old "brown bunny" was... we got him from Kassy's preschool because he wasn't turning out to be a good pet to the kids there. Kass thinks he was a couple of years old when we got him, and I think we had him six years... so guessing, I would say he was at least 8, and maybe even a bit older than that. He was a nice little bunny, didn't mind being held (as long as you held him correctly) and very friendly, always hopping over to the door to visit and get his treats. He loved his hutch that Ed made for him, and was always re arranging it, which I found interesting.
Any ways, I'm going to miss the little guy, and I hope he had a happy life with us. "Bye, Bye.. brown Bunny, happy Hopping in Heaven."