Today we went down to NEADS for our check in time with Dave. Because of the holiday season, instead of going both in November and December... we just go once - in between the holidays. I can't believe how grown up Debbie is looking these days, and even though she is still very much "puppy" she can turn on the "serious working mode" when needed....
We have added a new member to the ranks... this is Mookie... Kathleen's new project... he is obviously a black lab.. about 11 weeks old and if from the Guiding Eyes Foundation, as Debbie is. Kathleen has been without a puppy for sometime, so needless to say, she is quite pleased with her new little friend....
Our visits are pretty much routine... meeting first to discuss how the puppies are coming along, answering questions and the like... Debbie finds this part all very dull, and decides she might as well get comfortable....
Sherri and Clover... Sherri for all intense and purpose "runs" the front desk at NEADS.. she is who you would talk to if you called. Clover is Ginger's sister, sadly she didn't make the program, so Sherri adopted her. But Clover isn't without her job, not just as Sherri's pet, but she does therapy work and goes with Sherri on different talks about the NEADS and the like. We always get the warmest of greetings when we arrive at NEADS from these two....
And then we're off to the city. Today was fairly warm for this time of year and no snow.. which was nice. As you can see, Debbie is doing her training now with a back pack, and pretty much as I had thought... nothing bothers her....
Ah... puppyville!!!! Notice how nicely Rayvan walks and little Mookie is in that puppy bounce... one thing about the puppy raising stuff... we get them to a "good point" and then turning them over... start right back at square one again!!!!
Once inside the big hospital though, looks who draws all the attention!!! At this point of training, it's all about socializing, so we don't mind people saying hi to the puppies....
But at the age where Debbie and Rayvan are... it's time to be serious and we have to gently tell people that petting is not allowed... the puppies need to learn this as well, and concentrate on the work at hand and not reaching out to be petted....
That being said though, a small pet here and there isn't "awful".....
From the hospital to the train station... getting there just in time as the train rolls in.... Debbie and Rayvan have seen it all before.... but for baby Mookie this is all new.... (and he did great!!!)
Because we were there on time, we had the opportunity to board the train and walk around for a bit. Again just great practice for the puppies... getting used the feel of the train under their feet, the sights, sound and smells... all very important information to them.
Baby Mookie was far more interested in treats from Kathleen than the silly train... I think Rayvan was thinking back on her puppy days when she was rewarded with lots of treats!!!!
After the train pulled out, it was over to the bus station. Debbie certainly had her working face on today..... there is no doubt in my mind that this beautiful dog is going to make it threw the program.. and at this point, I (personally) am thinking she'll go to full service dog....
another successful day in the city.. we won't be back again until the new year... which right now, seems so far away and yet, it will be here before I know it......
Kathleen and Mookie... (hold him now why you can!!!!)
And just as we were getting ready to leave, out comes this beautiful boy with the trainer... that is Marv!!! Linda's last puppy... all grown up now, and very close to being matched with someone very special. So, looks like he'll be on the list for spring graduation with Rylie.... Maine will be proudly "shouting" for their puppies!!!!