In the town next to ours, the library is quite good. Not that we don't have a nice library here in town, but this one is much bigger. They have all kinds of programs, one being "baby rhyme time" that Sadie often takes Abbie to....
This past week, they had an "African drumming event", so we packed up and headed over to see what it was all about. It was GOOD!!! This lady is so talented, studying music in Europe and Africa, and she put on an amazing show.

There were a lot of children there, and she made it so much fun, that she really kept their attention. Abbie was so into it....

I fear the time with Ginger is now moving at warp speed, and I am looking for all the "experiences" we can find. So, Ginger went to the African drumming. At first she was a bit concerned about all the noise, but after just a few moments, she let out a big sigh, and spent the rest of the show like this. I don't think more than a handful of people even knew she was there.

She and Abbie have become great friends - like Chester did. Course, what better breed for kids than a golden???
(Abbie playing peek a boo with Ginger)

On June 30th... the puppy raisers made their way down to NEADS for our monthly check in. We had a full house with all four puppies. It was a beautiful summer day, and the puppies love being together.
Dave thought this would be a good day to pull the ramp out. The puppies just sat and watched it for a little bit...

And then, in a game, we piled them all on. "a gaggle of goldens!!!!"

After that, they each had a chance to hop on and take a little ride. "No one" was all that concerned .... an excellent sign for service dogs.....

Otis looks at Rick with a "what's the big deal" attitude..... I'll tell you, this is one steady little fellow, it's so much fun to watch his journey......

After that, they each had a chance to hop on and take a little ride. "No one" was all that concerned .... an excellent sign for service dogs.....

Otis looks at Rick with a "what's the big deal" attitude..... I'll tell you, this is one steady little fellow, it's so much fun to watch his journey......

Then it was up to the training room, going over the basic commands, "playing" with the "equipment"... answering/asking questions.... and from what I can see, we are all on a good track....

Definitely some good service dogs in the works here....

And look at this.... Clover (Leo and Ginger's sister) joined the group today. Fun to see all the siblings together..... and if you cant' tell them apart.. from left to right.. it's Clover, Ginger and Leo....

Ah... the glass elevator.... I am still NOT a fan of this.... but, I need to keep cool for the sake of the puppies......

Ah... the glass elevator.... I am still NOT a fan of this.... but, I need to keep cool for the sake of the puppies......

A much needed drink ends the day of training in the big city.... we're thinking just a couple more check ins.... and the big day will be upon us...
time is going way too fast!!!!