Oh goodie.. more snow!! which is just about how we felt getting up this morning. We had plans to go to Boston for the day, in celebration of Sadie's birthday, and even though the weather looked like this, we decided to go anyways. It's sort of getting to the point that if you stayed in on account of the weather, you probably wouldn't be going anywhere!!!

Sadie thought it might be a fun, family day.. to take Abbie to the aquarium in Boston. We were all up for it, and I decided to bring Ginger as well, and do a bit of service dog training in the "big" city. Abbie loves to travel, and is getting to the point where she notices things "outside" of the truck and likes to "comment" on them. Rides are now full of all sorts of "conversation" with Abbie!!!

I must admit, I am far from a city girl.. but it did look kind of "cool" in the snow. We thought it might be raining by the time we got there, being "south" Boston has weather very different from ours... but we didn't find any rain.. just more snow.

I was a little surprised at how busy it was at the aquarium. Course, a winter Sunday afternoon, and the end of school vacation, I guess I should have known better.

Here's Tom, Sadie and Abbie.... waiting to go inside....

Kas, Nate and Abbie......

Once we got in, there was much to see. It's quite a wonderful place and really great for any age. Sadly, I didn't get any pictures of Ginger there, but I can tell you, she was wonderful and wasn't at all "bothered" by penguins.

Abbie was totally fascinated by it all. She loved watching all the fish in the big tank. They have sea turtles, sharks and sting rays to name a few of the creatures in the center tank.

They also have "touch" pools where the kids (anyone) can handle different sea creatures. Abbie had a great time playing with all of them.

We stayed just a few hours. For the adults, it was plenty of time to see it all, and for a little girl and a puppy, it was more than enough time.

The parks in the city were pretty with the new snow. Once we got out of the city, we stopped and had supper together, and it was just a nice way to end a very fun day.

And this pretty much tells you how much fun we had... and how tiring it was. A full tummy, lots of things seen and a new penguin, makes for a happy little girl.