I feel like I have been very busy doing "what??" and have been quite lacking when it comes to getting Debbie out on her public field trips... which is NOT good when it comes to the training log!!!! So, today, after receiving an invite.. I met up with Linda and Otis and another service dog group (ACTS) to do some work time at Cabela's.....
This is a nice group.. small and local, and I know many of the puppy raisers, so it was fun to meet up with a different group of dogs. Their puppies were all ages and at all stages of training, they were quite impressed with Miss Deb... as was I. She does know how to handle herself in public....
We roamed threw the store, Cabela's is a great place to work, because there are so many different "things"... one being the huge stuffed animals there... which at first, Debbie had to take a close look at... (moose are pretty big!!!). We got the chance to work by Suzanne and her scooter.. no problem there, and then practiced our obedience skills here and there. The store was fairly busy, and we got lots of time to talk with folks who were interested in watching the dogs work.
They have a big fish tank here (like LL Beans) and Deb watched the fish for the longest time. She thought they were pretty cool.....
Then we popped over to the shooting gallery. There were some kids playing there and so all sorts of things would pop up or make strange sounds. Debbie loved this and watched and waited for the next "thing" to pop. She wasn't one bit shy about any of the sounds or actions. She is turning out to be a good little worker and I am really enjoying our training together.... I have good feelings about her, like I did with Rylie.... and it was a fun morning.
I didn't stay all day, because it was just too pretty out and I wanted to get Duke out in the cart ... which I have been doing a fair amount this fall. As it turns out, Kathleen and Courtney stopped by and I was "able to convince" them to take a little drive with us.... all too soon this wonderful weather is going to be on it's way.. so I'm taking advantage of every second!!!!