It's been a busy week around here, thus blogging has taken a bit of a back seat... so what have I been up to? Well, first off I have a big project in progress that I can talk about right now, and second, I have been on "puppy stand by". For those of you who may not know, I am (brag, brag) an excellent puppy mid wife, and when my friend Julie has a litter on the way... she always calls on me.
This is Jesse... the Mom to be... I asked her if she had any puppies in there... do you suppose she is thinking "you got to be kidding, silly human... just look at me!!!"Sadie has been so excited about these puppies and wanted some "lessons" in whelping, so she couldn't wait for Julie to call us!!! Yesterday, just about 4:00 pm, the phone rings... it's Julie telling Sadie and I "it's getting to be time". I am happy... an early evening litter, what could be better... we rush to get on the road. We arrive just about 5:00 and fine a very anxious Jesse... a good sign. We all get comfortable, chat for a while, and notice Jesse has gone to sleep and is quite comfortable herself!!!.. NOT the sign we are looking for...about 8:00 we have pizza, and about 10:00 Sadie and I head for home.... no more signs of labor and a dog napping on the couch... it's going to be a long night and I decided we might as well head for home.
1:30 AM... phone rings... "it's time again"... I wake Sadie and we head out. It's pouring rain and very dark... this will seem like a long ride. We get "inland" about 5 miles, and the rain is turning to snow.... inland another 5 miles... pure snow... roads aren't great and we have no choice but to go slow and get there. When we arrive Julie and Jesse have one puppy on the ground... a sweet little girl... it's begun and going well..... not too much longer and we are at two...... here's sister and brother.... just minutes old!!!!
The progression is slow and steady... no real problems, couple of big puppies that take a litttle time on their way out... but everyone arrives into the world with puppy cries and great gasps of air..... we're up to four in this photo.
It continues to snow .... I have to run out for a couple of hours to teach my Saturday morning classes... I leave the "birthing" to Jesse, Julie and Sadie....
I return to NINE puppies.... seven girls... two boys..... we stay a bit longer, but for the most part feel that Jesse is done and has done an amazing job. Julie has a vet appointment later today....But this is one Mommy Dog who is happy that she can curl around again and takes a much deserved rest!!!I myself, am close to crashing... I have only been up 15 hours!!!!!