In the hussle and bussle with Ed's surgery, Thanksgiving and the like.. I sort of forgot about the Fair Quilt. Each year, if you remember, they hand out a little patch of material and a theme... with that, you go home, come up with a quilt block of the "theme" and use the piece of material that was given to you. Well, here's the piece of material and the theme... "remembering the 60's". Now, I was born in the 60's but I don't remember them... so part of not doing my block sooner was a lack of an idea. The deadline for having your block in was Nov. 30th....

I mailed mine on December 2nd.. with hopes that it won't be considered "too late". Here's my block... I tried to go with the "peace, love, hope" idea... making the piece of material into "VW beetles" as I do know they were popular vehicles during that time frame. I hope people will "get it".. but I won't know that until the fair next August.......keep you posted on that one.....

I just had to post this photo... This is how we begin each day... a sweet little gal, with all her favorite things (the horse is new)... cuddled in Papa's chair.. watching the Lion King. Even after her "horrid" trip to the Rain Forest Cafe... she still loves her Lion King... I can almost say it word for word!!!!

Our old home town had it's annual Christmas parade. Ed has been feeling so good.. we packed up and headed down to see it. They line up on our old street......(and the parade is usually bigger than the parade route!!!) That's small town New England for ya!!!!

The family... (or part of it) waiting for the parade to begin....

Ginger and Camille came along... so did Charlie, Banjo, Hallie and Ollie...