Saturday, February 14, 2009
another movie???

dog cookies.....

However, we did run down to Kassy's last night. She has a little cookie business on the side, and she called with a "I need help"...
A friend of mine had ordered two cookie baskets, but she wanted all the cookies to look like English Cockers. Kass didn't have the cookie cutter, but my friend did, she dropped the cutter off along with a list of what she would like the cookies to look like. Poor Kas, she understood what "black and white" would look like, but the other two terms... "orange and white" and "blue roan".. sort of threw her. I said that I would come and see what we could figure out. We decided that pizza would be an easy meal, so Kas also asked Deb and Dave to pop in as well.
After pizza, we set about decorating the cookies. Kas had them all made up, and the frosting was done too, so it was a matter of mixing up the colors and finishing the cookies. We had great fun...
Deb concentrated on the black and whites, Kas did the orange and whites, and I tackled the blue roan...
In the end, they all came out pretty well...

Seems almost too bad that all the work is just going to be eaten!!!!

The "hennies" certainly appreciate the bare patches of ground made by the warm temps this past week. They had a grand time getting a "dirt bath" in front of the barn doors... and sadly, we are down to three.... The two that stayed out side last time are both gone... one to the hawk and the other (I think ) got frost bite on one of her feet. We watched her over the past few days, and one of her feet did not look so good. She had been staying inside and yesterday morning when Ed went to feed, he found her "gone" in the corner of the stall... Seems my luck with guinea hens isn't so great, so I don't know if I will add to the flock come spring or leave it at these three, and just let it "go".... but, don't have to make that decision today.....