I am extremely sad to tell all of you that we no longer have Mr. G... and Beeker!!!!! Along with two of our laying hens, and four other guinea hens... including Little G. Some horrid creature and dare I say the fisher cat again, has come calling and has left sadness in his wake.
Who ever he is, made his entrance by digging under the barn door, going inside and taking out Beeker. (this was last Saturday morning)

Fortunately, for me, Ed does the morning feeds and he was the one that found Beeker (or what was left). I am so happy I didn't see that. I cried when he told me.. silly chicken!!! but I was truly fond of her and you all know the adventures she had with me!!!!
Mr. G and his little crew of four went missing sometime Saturday afternoon-Sunday morning. Two of the other guinea hens managed to get away (I think) and are now locked up... probably for good. Our old black chicken (Miss Chicken) and a grey settin' hen only left feathers behind.
I suppose it could be a "combo" of wild creatures and not just one that has done all the damage.. we have all kinds of creatures around here. But either way...
Any "good farmer" would say... "yup, farm life - things come and go".. but a pet owner.... well, she just cries over the loss and misses her wonderful birds!!! - that would be me......