well.. here we are - "turn in day", and the second time that I have done this. Saying goodbye to this gal is going to be hard... very hard!!! I got to keep her longer than we did with Chester... she is a bit of a "softer" dog and so the extra time gave her the chance to grow up a little more and experience more things. I don't know if I actually spent "more time' on ginger than I did on Chester, but we certainly became very close. She is a great - great dog!!!

I pretty much cried the whole trip in... and then while we were there.... going over the final reports with Dave and just getting used to the idea... this is "IT"... We'll have the chance to meet up with the puppies again, but from here on in... they are no longer ours... this is "goodbye".....

T... looking regal and like he is ready to go to work.....

Ginger and Leo sharing a secret.....

and then.. it's time.. I speak her name and she turns that sweet face and asks "what can I do for you Mom"...
I give her that one last hug... that one last kiss... hand the leash to Dave, and walk out the door... my job is done..... Ginger's is just beginning....
and we wait for who's next....
because between the tears, I am all ready to do it again...........