Tuesday, October 30, 2007
a very sad day
Saturday, October 27, 2007
visions of fall
Kassy left for J-ville in the nick of time, because just days before we went, the woodman arrived with this wonderful load of wood!!! My little stove will be happy this winter!!! Now, all this wood needs to get into the shed (behind the pile) but I actually look forward to the work, something about a full woodshed before the snow flies that just sits right with me. When the girls were little, it was their job to help fill the shed, it was also a "standard rule" that you never came into the house without a arm load of wood for the box!!!! I guess Kas and Sadie will never forget it, because when it arrived... Kas happily stated.. "well I won't have to do that job this fall!!!"
And we are finally on the final stages of completing the new sunroom. It sat over the summer, just too busy (and weather too nice) to be working inside. While I was in J-ville with Kas last weekend, Ed got all the windows trimmed out!! What a difference that makes!!! He was hoping to get the floor all done as well... but his heart was giving him some trouble, and he just can't go at "warp speed" when it's acting up..... so, yesterday, he started on the floor and is finishing it up as I type. (I help out where I can, but this last course seems to be a one man job at the moment)..... after the floor, just some trim around the bottom, a bit of paint on the windows... and ta-dah, we'll be done with this project. I look forward to winter afternoons, sitting there in the sun with a good book (cross stitch, quilting, knitting) and the woodstove chugging in the other room!!!!
It was "bye-bye birdies" today. Early this am, we packed the "Holidays" into crates and took them up to the butcher. Sad, I will admit, but, after having "home raised" turkey last year, I am a fan..... I do feel a little guilty "doing this to them", but balance that thought with... giving them a good home, all comforts we could provide, top quality food, and a quick and safe ride to the final destination. When we go to get them this afternoon, they will look just like the "store bought kind" and the pet side of them will be a thing of the past. We're betting on all three being at least 25 lbs. so, it will be interesting to see what they dress out at. I said my "thank yous" to them, and will say my "thanks" to the Lord when they are on the table. We're not sure if we will raise any next year, Ed thinks we might be too busy with house building... but once we are settled on the farm, I know this will be a yearly project, and most certainly, we will have a few more there as we will have the space to do.
Tomorrow, Nate begins the journey home!!!! We are SO VERY EXCITED about that!! He leaves the base that he is on and moves to another... stays there for just a few days, and then makes his way towards home. We are told that the homecoming window is still between November 10-14th....and will know more as the date gets closer! Kas is pretty much settled in J-ville, and reports that many of the other wives are moving back as well, so she is re-connecting with a number of "old friends"....... the weather hasn't changed much, but I do hope it cools some before we head south.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The moment I stepped out of the car, I knew for certain that I was no longer in New England. The air hit like a blast furnace (even at 8:30 pm) hot, muggy weather.... not my kind for sure!!! And what was really odd, is for a second or two, I was sort of "lost in time"... it was the same weather we had left back in April, and when we walked into the apartment, all of Kassy's little Easter decorations were still out... I knew that six months had gone by, and yet, it hadn't!!! It was weird!!! Patrick and Mandi helped us unpack the car (thank goodness.... Kassy's computer and TV can be heavy!!!) and we were pretty much settled in within the hour. Needless to say, we were tired, but we ran out for a few "need to have's now" and then crashed for the night. (One thing about J-ville, it's a 24 hour town, and almost everything and anything is open in the city!!!)
Friday, we did some running around with Mandi. Did the grocery shopping, grabbed some lunch out, things like that. We went to take the pups for a walk (Charlie and Mandi's corgi Evie) but a rain shower sent us back in for a little bit. We did squeeze a quick walk in and then Kas and I went out to supper. The weather was unbearable (in my opinion..) very hot and extremely muggy, I was not a happy camper, and we had to give in and put the ac on in the apartment, just to get some relief from it. Even Kas, being the hot weather gal that she is, said it was almost too much for her.
Saturday, Kas and I went out for breakfast, and then I wanted to poke around J-ville. There is a great little quilt shop that I always visit, so we went there ... (got some cute patterns and a couple of "kits") then we ran over to the base and I actually did some Christmas shopping . In the afternoon, we met up with Mandi, Patrick and Evie, and another friend of Kassy's ... Rae and her aussie, Rocko. Rae wasn't too excited about bringing Rocko, as he pulls her around on the leash, so guess what..... a bit of dog training for me!!!! What a grand dog he is and a quick study.... we went to PetSmart, picked him up a prong collar, and that was that. Rae was so proud of him and is thrilled that she will be able to walk him (which is what he needs).
Kassy took us to a beautiful park not too far from her house. There are trails and boardwalks along a river, and the day was grand... a little better now that some of the humidity had lifted. The first thing I noticed at the park entrance was this sign......being the "northerner" that I am... I was worried about running into one of these alligators!!! But Kass assured me that she has never seen one there, and we would be walking along the boardwalks and not the shore!!!! The
I snapped this cute picture of the three gals and pups together!!! We did a long walk, and at the end, both "man and beast" felt good and tired!!!
And then Sunday, it was time to think about heading north again. I flew home, which went fine, but flying just isn't for me!!!! (I don't know how folks do that as part of their jobs!!!) And home sure looked good when Ed and I pulled into the driveway last night.
So, in just a couple of weeks, we make the trip again. This time Ed and I will go together, spend sometime in Colonial Williamsburg and see Nate at homecoming!!!! can't wait.....................
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Harvestfest weekend
The weather was just perfect, which is always good, because some years it hasn't been..... and Ed, Kassy, Sadie, Deb and I all walked up to town to enjoy the festivities. Of course we saw a number of friends, ( all the ones you know and love, but somehow never see them until you find them at Harvestfest.)
On Sunday, Harvestfest continued over at York Beach. They had a different group of crafters, a Pow Wow (which was really great) food... and hayrides again. This time, the horses giving the rides were Becky and Butch's Belgians ... Dick and Bob. They had been asked to do the rides on Saturday as well in the village, but they were already booked elsewhere, so they came just for Sunday. Well, you all know where Ed and I were.... riding behind those beautiful horses all day long. We did try to be useful to Becky and Butch (answering questions, watching traffic, etc), but I think really we just did more riding than working. I told Becky that I thought it would be neat to get a picture of the team at the Nubble Light... ( I drove her out to see it and see how far it would be to drive) she was delighted take them out and get some shots!!! At the end of the day, when the rides for Harvest wrapped up... Ed, Kas, Sadie and I with Moxie and Charlie... rode out with them. What fun that was.... cold!!!!... but fun. I got all sorts of great pictures of the team there, so did a number of tourist who got a real treat watching the team pull up . What a great day we had together.... then, to top it all off (as though it could get any better) Kas treated Deb, myself and Sharon (her mentor) to dinner at Olive Garden, as a "thanks for putting up with me thru this deployment"... after a cold, windy day of being outside ... that dinner tasted so good, and it was such fun to have the company of the "girls"!!!!!
Now, our life has certainly had a major horse theme to it lately, but we are doing other things as well.... one of which, working on the house plans and getting things together, so in January, we can apply for our building permit. You may know, we are planning on building a timber frame colonial, and since the floor plan is mostly in place, it was time to talk with the timber frame company. We met with the rep on Friday, and as luck would have it, they are putting a house up in North Hampton. On Monday, Ed and I took a drive down to see the house and talk more with the rep (who's name is Paul). This is a nice house they are building, but it's very modern and though it is a timber frame, its not to our liking. It won't be any trouble to do our house, in fact, they are quite happy to do something more "traditional".... it was nice to see the big timbers, get some ideas and go over some details of things we would like to have in our house. We need to work out some more details and begin to "crunch" the numbers!!!!We have an idea of what it might cost us, so it will be interesting to see how close we come to it (and how much of it we can afford-- it all looks easy, on paper!!!!) We hope to do a good portion of it on our own... Ed can build and "do" about anything, and not only would that be a savings, but a fun project as well.So, that's the scoop on this end. Thursday morning, bright and early... Kas and I head for North Carolina... I don't know how much blogging I will get done between now and then, and my next story, just might be from NC!!!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
They are, for sure, a beautiful breed of horse, and have a long and interesting history. If any of my "readers" are interested, you can find out all about them at www.lipizzaner.com. and if you ever have the chance to see their show, it is worth going to. The riding and music are amazing, and the horses are just wonderful to gaze upon.
Some of the horses that we saw on Sunday, were from Europe and carry a different series of branding, so that it's plain to see (when you know where and how to look for it) which horses are from where. But, aside from all that..... just to watch the show, and see the work and training that have gone into it, to see these animals do moves that you wonder how they ever could... it's just the coolest thing.
Alot of the work is dressage... which is the same schooling that I am working Tonka in.... not that I ever expect him to fly threw the air (in fact, I would rather he never did !!!) but certainly some of the steps are the same, and it was fun to watch them being done in a perfect manner. Ed kept asking thru the performance... "can Tonka do that???"... and mostly I answered... "sort of !!!!" I think I got some pretty good pictures, and hope that you all enjoy them.
By the way... I understand I have two more "readers of the blog!!" Hello to Alex and Cindi!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
blessing of the animals

After a perfect week of weather, wouldn't you know that it turned off cool and wet this morning. I wondered if they would still do the blessing, and called the church, but no answer. So, we decided to head out anyways, and just see. I could have trailered Mocha down, but wasn't sure where I would park, and it was just as easy to walk. Talk about stopping traffic.... it got so we all just started saying "yes, it's a horse" as people drove by and took a second look.

As I said, Charlie, Tatter and Moxie went with us... I would have like to bring everyone, but managing that crew with Mocha probably would have been a little much.... even for me!!!!
Here is Kassy and Charlie with Rev. Blair.... Charlie sported his Marine coat, and made sure that everyone knew that his "Daddy" is in Iraq!!! They had a nice prayer for our troops this morning as well.
It was a lovely service, aside from Mocha and various dogs, a little boy brought his two hermit crabs, and a little girl brought her two stuffed sheep...... and between you and me, I think animals added to the service and it should be done a lot more often!!!!!! "Thank you Lord, for the animals that bring so much to out lives".......
Friday, October 05, 2007
road work
This week, Buffy wanted to get us out on the road a bit. Not that driving a horse on the road is the greatest idea, but, you need to be able to do it. You never know when a road might cross your path, or you might need to use parts of it to get to another spot. There wasn't a ton of car traffic on the road, but enough to test the waters a bit. Tonka managed them beautifully... even an oil truck. Most drivers of cars, are fairly respectful of a horse, and maybe seeing Buffy and I tailing behind, they got the idea that we were in a training session.
Thursday, when I had my riding lesson, I told Laura that I would be happy to bring Tonka over and rake out her arena..... it would be good practice for us, and useful "work"... so I think we might try and get over there on Saturday.
Today, however, I had a very pleasant surprise!!! Ed and I took a run up to Meader's (where we got Tonka's harness) and got the next (and hopefully.. one of the last) things needed for all this driving business... a CART!!!! this is a nice sturdy cart and will be great for training and just driving in general. Someday, I hope to have a nice wooden "Meadowbrook" cart, but this one will more than do what I need it to....... SO... now we start the work of putting all the training parts and pieces together........
Thursday, October 04, 2007
a love story

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Guten tag, Oktber!!!!
I love the month of October!!! I love the coolish weather, the display of leaves, and it seems like October has so many things "to do".... fairs, festivals.. and birthdays!!!! October 1st was (is) Kassy's birthday, and some how she has turned 22.. (still trying to figure out when that happened). Sadly, she and Nate have never spent her birthday together since they were "together"... the first year he was in boot camp, and since then, he has been deployed somewhere in the world!!! Even though she knew that going into "their relationship" it still puts a damper on things. But, this should be the last one that they are apart, and in the meantime, Charlie is there (as always) to assist her in blowing out the birthday candles!!!!! In just a couple of weeks, Kas and Charlie pack up and head to NC.. the mail to Nate has been closed down, which is a good sign that the "boys" are beginning to pack up and wrap up their work in Iraq!!!! Please, continue to keep Nate in your prayers (and the rest of the unit) as they head back into "real life" and make the adjustments that go with that. Also, pray for the units that are arriving to relieve Nate's unit and that their job over the next six months will go smoothly and safely.
Ed is doing well, he is working very hard at "staying honest" with all the things he needs to be doing.... he's doing a good job!!! Cole has certainly been enjoying the short one on one walks that he and Ed are doing together!!! and I feel less guilty about taking out the "crew" and leaving Cole behind!!!
Why am I "hanging" this puppy?? Well, actually its part of a "temperament test" that I did for my friend Maxine and her litter of English Cocker pups. It's a neat test, and you do it on the 70th day of a puppy's life. It's designed to show a puppy's base temperament and can be a great help in placing a puppy into the right home. We test things like a puppy's tolerance to noise, sight, pain, and willingness towards people. You might be surprised at the different reactions of puppies that have all come from the same litter!!! This particular exercise is a "trust" one... you dangle a puppy for 30 seconds, and watch to see if he remains relaxed, or if he panics, or tries to fight you. This little guy was great and just "hung out" until the test was done. All the puppies did really well, but some certainly had a little "more fire" than others!!! This world of "dog training" has so many interesting parts to it, and I just never know from one student to another what I might find!!!
So, I suspect there will be some fun blogs to report on this month... not that blogging isn't always fun!!! I so enjoy keeping this... and I do believe that the 31st will be my one year anniversary at blogging... have to check on that.....