I don't know why I think the days ahead are going to be any busier than we have been all summer, it's just that we have some projects well in gear, and some things to look forward to, that make me think of the word "busy". This is going to be the new home for the turkeys!!!! We had (have) a shed building at our old house, that the kids aren't interested in keeping, so Ed thought if we could move it up here, it would make a good turkey house. The only thing is, the shed needs some TLC.. and a new floor, so Ed has made this new base for the shed to sit on. Then we will fence this nice cleared area (thank you Rick!!!) and the turkeys can be moved from the barn to a much larger outdoor space. I am so hoping this will be done very soon... they need to get out!!! It's nearly impossible to keep them clean, they are really feeling crowded in the stall, and they are getting hard to handle. Once they are out of the stall, then my poor "little" guinea keets can get out of their (now cramped) cage and go into the stall with so much more room as well.
This morning I packed up my two entry pieces and took them down to the fair, that opens on Thursday... it's fair weekend!!! and I am so excited to go. I love our little fair and have a whole list of those "awful" foods to eat. I actually have three "entries" this year... my square that will be in the "fair quilt", which I made and submitted last fall... then this photo of Mr. G admiring himself in the chrome of Ed's motorcycle.. and a cross stitch piece.
When I came in with them, I already got a few comments (compliments) on both pieces. People were surprised at the photo, and wondered I happened to shot that photo... just beginner's luck!!! The cross stitch piece is quite sentimental to me... it was almost finished when I lost my Moxie dog... so, the one little part that I didn't have done... I didn't finish... instead I stitched Moxie's name and date of death in the space. I would love it if this piece took "judge's choice" this year... it would mean so much to me, just because of what I was dealing with at the time of it being done.... but we'll see, there are usually a "ton" of excellent cross stitch pieces to judge at this fair, and the "competition" can be keen.
The carnival people have arrived with all the rides and the like. I wonder what kind of life these folks have... traveling the countryside, setting up and taking down one fair after another. Certainly not the life style I would choose for myself... but it must have it's interesting points to say the least. Two more nights, and this will be lit up like a Christmas tree with all the action to go with it. I do like to see the midway at night!!!!
Ed will be serving a few shifts with the fire department at the fair. They (the fire department) play a big role in the fair.. keeping folks safe, and being there to shoe themselves off to the public.
Back at the farm, the siding project is going well. The garage (barn) is mostly finished... there is only one side left to do, but Ed and Ken are waiting for a cool, cloudy day to do it, as it is on the southern side and gets the sun all day long. It's been just too hot and humid to try and do this kind of work in the sun.. so they're going to wait a little. I am very happy with the choice of "red" on the "barn"... it's scary trying to chose colors that you know will be permanent!! Unlike paint, once vinyl is up, you are stuck with the color... so, the thing is, to get it right the first time. I am glad that this one turned out so well.
The color for the house was easier to pick as it will be the same as our old house.. which I liked very much. And since this side was in the shade, it is where Ed and Ken began today. Because of the shape of the foundation, there was a fair amount of that "fussy" work to deal with again, but by the end of today, that was all done, and Ed says that tomorrow they will go "great guns" and I wouldn't be surprised if they go the whole side done...
On my way to "work" this evening, Sadie and I stopped into my new favorite store... Andy's Agway!!! If you are looking for "things for the farm" this is a simply wonderful shop!!! I needed some fly sprayer replacements for the barn and some PDZ for the stalls,and turkey food... which I easily got. Last week, they also had some guinea keets, and I had been thinking all week that I would like to buy a few and add them to the babies that I already have. But, sadly, the keets were all sold (should have got them last week!!!)... however, they have a good batch of chickens in and we have been thinking about adding a couple more chickens to our little group... we would like to get a few more eggs a day, and we thought maybe two more chickens would give us just enough.
We looked at the Rhode Island Reds, but they also have a very pretty black and white chicken called a Barred Plymouth Rock... and I am thinking that it might be fun to have something different and we may go with them. They also have another breed of chicken that has taken my eye, but I don't want to say too much about that until I decide for sure...so you'll just have to stay posted on that idea.
anyways, big fair weekend, projects going well.. time is flying by......