Abbie has finally had the chance to check out her new wagon. Our wonderful "dump find" if you will. She seemed quite impressed with it....

and even seemed to understand how to "sit down and hold on" when her Grandpa took her for a little ride. It goes so nicely, the handle is a good length for an adult to pull it, and I have a feeling it's going to get a lot of use about the farm....

I would say by her smile... she had a pretty fine time.

We are beginning to do the "last" of things around the house. I was thinking one day, while painting.. how the word "last" can be a funny thing. Usually it means "the end" or "the final", and often that is associated with sadness. But for now, "last" means... the beginning, at least for me!!! The last bit of painting, means I can do things like...
hang that wonderful painting of Moxie in the dining room!!!!

The last of the cabinets painted, means... we can begin to get the pantry set up. (Once Ed gets the doors on, and the counter top done!!!) Unpacking boxes of dishes, etc. will find places "to be" in the new pantry!!!!!

Or how about the LAST window to be trimmed out... remember I had 23 windows to paint... well, with trims on, it means just one more coat of paint... and the last of them are done (major yahoo!!!) I am still doing baseboards.. or yes, and all the backings of the stairs need to be done... but the painting project seems to be coming to an end. And please, forgive me if I don't come running to volunteer to help you with painting within the next year.... I fear I have had quite enough of it.....

Course, with the end of July at hand.. it also means time for our annual dog club's obedience demo. Which was this past Tuesday. It was such a hot night, and sadly the crowd wasn't as big as it has been in the past - I think most people stayed on the beach. But, we still had folks that came to watch. We certainly had a good number of dogs and handlers. We showed the crowd agility, rally, flyball, and even some "service dogs"....

but the "parade of dogs" is always one of the favorites...

Chester certainly had a wonderful time, schmoozing with the crowd and kids after the performance. If this isn't "true Golden" than I don't know what is. One thing for sure, he isn't bothered by such attention.

After the dog show, we scooted over to the Goldenrod for dinner and ice cream. Since the night was so hot, I sent Camille back to the "old" house with Kassy... but Chester was allowed to go to the Goldenrod with us. He and Redmond (Mary and Scott's service puppy to be) tucked under the table and you never knew that we had two dogs with us. It was also Abbie's first visit to the G-rod...

She was pretty happy with her bottle, until the ice cream arrived.. and then she had just one question...
"when will I be big enough to have my own sundae?"