April 19th... a very special date with this family..... a celebration, that was "worthy" of a turkey and all the fixin's... and Abbie even sported her "turkey eating shirt"..... the occasion???
Our Mom and Dads' 52nd wedding anniversary!!! It was so much fun to have the whole family come to the farm and celebrate with them. Kas even made a cake just for them.....
And it's rare treat (in these days of busy-ness) that we can pull everyone together!!! But we did.....12 in all, and my dinning room table, even with an additional leaf, still squished us all together.

The day was full of good conversation, good food... and celebration.visits out to the barn....
Cousins... having fun playing in a mud puddle!!!!

And the absolutely joy of having our parents with us. We are so blessed, because we know how "rare' wedding anniversaries such as theirs are now a days!!!!!
Our parent's have been a shining example of what a marriage is all about, how to raise a family and love the Lord, and embrace life thru the good and sometimes, not so good.......

Now... you know (if you have been around me long enough) everything ends up on the blog...
so, when Becky, Ed and Kelsey went to leave, Bec just pulled her little car around to go out the drive.....
and stuck it in the soft grass....
We are a family that believes in doing things well... and yes, she "stuck it well".... the guys tried the pushing thing, the pulling thing, and just about gave up and went for the tractor....
but our gator managed to give it the extra nudge she needed....
and they got her back on the drive and headed in the right direction.... Kelsey said she was happy not to be the one driving at the time!!!!
So, a wonderful, wonderful day, that ended with a bit of extra "excitement"... and a chance to say VERY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MOM AND DAD --- and we are expecting many more!!!!!!