Last year, our Halloween trick was two feet of snow... this year... a hurricane... an extremely bad hurricane named Sandy. And though New England was mostly spared, the mid Atlantic coast was not. It's just days after, but there are folks who will be weeks - months - before life returns to normal.
Even though the path of the hurricane was pretty well tracked, we took it seriously here on the farm. Our main concern were the animals... and Ed wanted the turkeys to have some shelter against the wind and rain. Their pen is covered, but the sides are open, so we opted to tarp one side to keep the wind down.
I threw in some hay for warmth and dryness, and made sure there was plenty of food and water, and they weathered pretty well. They'll be gone in just a few weeks, but we have worked too hard to bring them this far along to have anything happen now.
We lost power for just a few hours, which we really found surprising. Ed had gone and got plenty of gas for the generator, and we ran it just a short time. The wind was "amazing", and we did fear losing the tent building that covers our wagons and sleighs... but again, fared very well. (we laid the wind mill down - it didn't fall over)...
Surprisingly too, we didn't get that much rain. I think the wind was the most damaging... Kas reported from the coast that the ocean put on quite a show, and much of the old home town was closed down due to the ocean. But again, all fared well.
We didn't have a place for the guinea hens.. I wanted to shoo them into the barn, but they wouldn't hear of it... so I was glad to see none had blown away...
In the meantime, I just want to say that my prayers go out to the folks who did not come threw very well. The reports that we see on TV are horrifying... and we just want to offer our support.....
As you know, I am always on the watch for "places and things to take my service puppy to".. so when we heard about the big pumpkinfest at LL Beans, I knew there would be a huge crowd for dog training. We packed up Abbie (who is a strawberry this year) and headed up. As "promised" the streets were crowded....
Rylie was great. Drew a lot of attention (as usual), but I found a real hazard with having a black dog. Once it got dark (and she is still little) she got bumped into and stepped on a number of times.. people just did not see her.... she took it all in stride...
Everywhere you looked there were pumpkins. Many were done and donated by schools, so the kids did a number of the carvings...
It was "magical" at night after they were all lit... walkways were lined with their happy faces....
Some of the carvings were very simple... and other quite detailed. It was fun to look at all the ones that we could....
Now, you can't go to Bean's and not get a picture of the famous boot!!!! Sadie, Abbie and Rylie were more than happy to pose....
"OK.. enough of the pictures!!!"
(well, maybe just one or two more).. can't help but do pictures of grandbaby and puppy!!!!
I asked one volunteer how many pumpkins were there, she said around 10,000!!! (yes that's the right number)... the town was filled.....
We met up with Kas and Nate.. who brought Rachel and Mike, and Katie and Craig.... so a picture of my kids!! (of course)....
My Dad and Mom were there as well.. actually they were spending the night in celebration of my Dad's birthday. I'm sorry that we didn't have the other two grand daughters in this birthday photo.. but happy that I got this one.
so a celebration of birthday and pumpkins.. a proper way to end the month of October!!!!
A time honored tradition... pumpkin carving time. I like to do this for the wonderful pumpkin seeds inside... roast them up with a bit of salt, and yummy fall treat.
Now, back in the day.. a good ol' fashion jack o lantern suited me just fine.. ya, know.. the one with the big smile and the triangle eyes... but Sadie is more into this "negative space" carving... and keeping with the theme of Abbie's party just a week ago... "hello Kitty"....
Abbie was delighted with her Mom's artist ability!!! and then showed me all the seeds when the pumpkin's cap was cut.
Telling us all about "hello Kitty" and saying, "Mom this looks perfect!!!"
Then it was onto cleaning out the "guts".. which actually this year was carefully saved.. turkeys love pumpkin. So between the seeds and the "guts", the inside of the pumpkins were put to good use...
hello in there.... lots of seeds!!!! Abbie so enjoyed this part, (which pleases me, because even though I will do it... it's not my favorite)...
Pumpkins ready to light... hello kitty on one, and horses on the other... far cry from the old jack o lanterns....
Seeds ready to roast in the oven.. we got two full pans.. can't wait to try them....
What in the world is this??? Shark dogs??? actually it's our October check in at NEADS... now, our fearless head trainer Dave just loves sharks (which is a lie... Dave "hates" sharks).. so nothing doing, we just had to have some fun with that. Out shopping one night, Kelli and I found these great "shark fins".. and so, I thought that the Maine puppies just had to dress up....
but, ya know.. it's good training too... if our puppies can wear their capes and leaders.. what's a little fin or two.....
We were trying to decide if we were a "school" or a "pod"... though I think that sharks actually swim alone, unless they are eating!!!!
Making sure everyone is all dressed up and ready to meet Dave!!!!
Too bad this photo is so fuzzy.. because the look on his face... it's kind of like, "I don't believe it" and yet, "ya, it's the Maine Chapter, so what else would I expect from them!!!"
Any who.... it was fun, and we all had a pretty good laugh about it. And then it was onto business as usual... our "round table" discussion (no table this time)...the puppies are beginning to know the drill.. and do quite well at "chill'in" until we are done.
Dave had a different game plan, and we didn't go into the city this time... our first stop was the kennel. Some of our puppies haven't had the chance to see the inside of it, so we just played around there for a bit. Nice for them to see it, because at some point in their training, kennel time will be done....
Marv taking it all in stride......
Then it was onto the mall. We trained with door manners, being around other people.. and all the sights, smells and sounds that come with the "mall." Moxie tells her Dad.. nothing to it, I'm ready to work!!!!
We headed into the food court for a light lunch and some more time to talk. Rylie hasn't done this work before, so it was all new to her. But, she did just fine!!!!
Rick and Moxie took a little time and did some PR work with a group of young folks. The thing along with our puppy training.. is ambassador work as well. It's good for everyone!!!
Back outside -- potty break for the youngsters and then onto another store....
We went into this creepy Halloween store. To be honest, it's just not my kind of place, but it certainly had "lots" to work with. For the most part the dogs did quite well with things that screamed, jumped out at you and were pretty awful looking. This was the only photo I got, because the battery went in my camera.. but here Monty and Rylie check out this hairy spider thing that jumped out at you... (yuck!!) . It goes to show that we always have to be on the look out for training opportunities.. even if they aren't really our style.. because we don't know where the puppies will "end up"...
Overall it was another fun and interesting day, and I brought home one very tired pup, who can add all kinds of new things done to her list.....
Work, work work... Ed and I have said that this is one house that will be completely finished. And ya, it's taking some time, and some things are more important than others... but even the small jobs are getting done (whoo-who)... So, while I was away visiting Ginger..
Ed pulled out his "things" and got the trim work finished up in the pantry. Which now means, I will be back to painting (again)... but, finished is finished.. and we are determined...
I had a wonderful and "rare" day today.. a day just to "play". My friend Astrid is interested in horses, so she called to see if I had a day where she could come the farm and just be around them. Well.. you can't just "be around them..." you have to play. So, we harnessed Mocha and played with her for a bit.. and then we got Duke out.
He was such a good boy, and the day couldn't have been prettier.. and we just drove and drove....
I asked Ed to get some photos of us driving, so he hopped in the gator and followed us about... he got some great shots!!!!
Astrid had a great time.. but it "worries" me.. because I had (have) another friend... Betty.. who was "also interested in horses".. and where is she now... the proud owner of a welch cobb... who she loves to take driving...
by that big smile on her face (and happy wave to Ed)... I think Astrid might be in "big trouble"..... horses are addictive...
One thing for sure, I'm not going to let these days get by me....
I am going to take the time, and play... I think we all need to do that way more often.....
Duke was such a good boy.. and I think he enjoyed the time as much as we did. So, here's to all of you.. get out and play, because winter is on the way.........
Does this sweet girl look familiar?? Yup..... that's Ginger!!!! Today Kathleen and I packed up Monty, Camille and Rylie and headed down see Ginger at the church where she now "works". Last weekend, the church held a blessing for the animals, but with Abbie's birthday party, I couldn't go. So, I said to Kathleen.. "how about we go this week" and she was up for a road trip... so off we went. We didn't tell anyone we were coming, and so when Ginger saw us.. this was the look on her face... she was beyond excitement (and not very service dog acting) when she saw us again. She didn't really know who to greet first - me, Kathleen or the other dogs, and tried to say hello to everyone all at the same time. (and no she isn't really allowed on the pew!!!)

Because it was church.. and time for the service... Pastor Jane (after greeting us as most excitingly as Ginger had)... collected Ginger and we enjoyed a very nice service. I was pretty happy with Rylie.. this was the first time she attended church, and she was very good --- now I feel I can start bringing her to my church!!!
Monty has been going to church for months.. so he knew the drill and once service started, he settled right down. Which was very helpful to Rylie.. because she just copied Monty and Camille.....
During the service... time had been set aside to award a Bible to one of the members of the church.. sadly, they were not there to receive it. But when Pastor Jane realized this, she asked Kathleen and I (and dogs in tow) to come to the front of the church. Knowing that we had missed the blessing last week, she took a few moments and gave a special blessing to Monty, Camille and Rylie... and then presented us with a small tag for their collars that says "I have been blessed" on one side and a cross on the was quite wonderful.....
After church, Pastor Jane asked if I wanted to take Ginger out and have some time with her. Course I jumped at that chance... did lots of hugging and got some photos of "my" three puppies all together. The day was a perfect fall day... the trip with Kathleen was such fun, and of course seeing Ginger and Pastor Jane again, was more than great.
We heard many wonderful stories about Ginger and the work she is doing as ministry dog. She has been a comfort to people who are sick (and some dying)... she has gone a missions trip (and flew on a commercial airplane)... she has worked with the youth of the church, and it a part of the Sunday services... everyone loves her, and she is perfect for this "job".
Next month Pastor Jane and Ginger will "officially" graduate from NEADS.. and we are all excited about attending graduation and giving the Maine Chapter "ya-hoo" when they cross the stage. And the work that they will do together will certainly add joy and comfort to many lives. I am just so honored to have been a stepping stone in the life of this wonderful dog....and so excited to know that I can see her every so often. It certainly was a "happy visit".....