And so November comes to a close. We have had the pleasure of some pretty warm weather, which is good.. because it has given us a "few extra days" to get those winter things done. The guinea hens enjoy a warm sunny spot on the lawn, but I'm planning on penning them in soon - unknown to them!!! (and she's hard to see, but over to the left... Mona is laying in the grass, keeping an eye on those silly birds!!!)
The mornings have been frosty, but no snow (other than that little bit a few days back) certainly not like last year.....
We have been enjoying as much horse time as possible. Abbie has taken a real shine to Mocha and loves getting her out and about. They are so cute together, and I am just going to bore you with photos.....
She wanted to get her "out on the road".. so under Mom's supervision.. out they went....
Is this what you'd call... "pony express??"
And Tonka.......
Time to clean out the woodstove, and get it ready for cold winter nights.... I had my own little Cinderella helping !!!!!
Ben came by and pulled Duke's shoes.. now we don't have to worry about him slipping in the snow. But, we won't be able to put him out on the street as much either.. oh well, driving around the farm is just as fun....
And Ed and I pulled back the pasture. The boys won't be happy to loose all their space, but we want to have good pasture next spring and summer. There will be less pasture lines to plow around as well.....
The new pen for the guinea hens... they're checking it out now, but getting them in there for good maybe another story.......
So we close the month with blue skies and promises of the up coming holiday season. We have a trip coming up in December as well... (more on that in the days ahead)... and just as I think things are running along fine, I get a call from my "boss"... she has been called away and I am running the post office for the next two weeks. Oh my, is that ever going to bite into my time.... my poor family!!!! poor me... it's going to be an interesting couple of weeks, and I dare say, blogging will be on the back of the list for a bit..........
And so begins the holiday season... I like the idea that it all starts with being "thankful", because certainly, we are a blessed nation, and a blessed people, and it's important that we do not take that for granted.....
Our day began early, I was up to get the turkey in the oven. One of our own, and though "he" wasn't nearly as big as some of the past, he was "good enough" and needed a nice long cook in the oven. Sadie and Abbie were up shortly afterwards and began making their goodies. Abbie spent the rest of the day with her Dad, but was home long enough to help with our meal.
I called her a "kitchen fairy", but I was quickly informed that she was a "lollipop" fairy... so, OK, that works for me....
Pulled out the "good china"... but when that extra leaf goes in the table.. my cloth is not big enough. Maybe this winter, I'll take some time and make my own fall table cloth. Either way, it's having the table crowded with family that makes it special.....
This year we had my Mom and Dad, sister Rachel and niece Naomi... sister Becky, Ed, and niece Kelsey, Sadie and boyfriend Jessie, and Ed and I. Our bird was delicious, and I said thank you for him.....
The weather was pretty nice and after our wonderful meal, I went and hitched Duke to take everyone for rides. I have wanted to do this with my family for a long time, and for me.... this was very very special... Naomi got the first drive around the farm....
And Becky's Ed was quite interested in all the things that it takes to "drive"... I had to run and get something, so asked if he would just hold Duke for a moment... he was a very good sport and though not quite comfortable with a horse... he did a nice job. Naomi on the other hand would have taken right over if we let her.....
My sister Becky.. Naomi and I.....
And then... my Dad.... I had been waiting to take Dad driving for a long time, I am so happy we got to do this together......
And then Ed's turn... and I don't think Naomi even got out of the cart!!!! being so "little" she could easily ride with everyone, and took every trip possible around the farm....
Last but not least, Kelsey jumped in and got the last ride of the day before the dark settled in. Next time, I hope it will be sleigh rides!!!!!
Afterwards, we returned to the house to warm up with coffee and wonderful desserts. Kelsey brought an "Uno" game and we had quite a few takers in a good game. Somehow, I got seated next to Jessie and he was out to get me!!!! We had so much fun, laughing and playing cards together.... these are the times that are so important and are truly near and dear to my heart!~!!!!
Naomi played with Rylie. I have pictures of her with Chester, Ginger and now Ry... seems each year we have a "new" service puppy to love and enjoy. The day was more than wonderful, and I can only hope that it was the same for all my dear readers...
Thanksgiving blessings to one and all......
It's been a busy time around the farm, and I "fear" that from here to the end of the year, it will only get busier. We sent the first batch of turkeys in last week, and the second went this week.
I will admit, this is the part that I don't really like. I love raising them, and of course, appreciate knowing what's on my table, but I don't like shipping them in. It does come to a point where they become a "pain" to take care of, and they actually get kind of mean towards the end, it's what we got them "for", but still....
Except for some stain/paint.. our little woodshed is complete. Ed really out did himself on this one, and I keep telling him, it's too pretty to be used just for wood. I think some pretty carriages would look much nicer in there, but wood it will be. (once I begin to stack it, that is!!!)
And today is a day that I have been looking forward to for months!!! Today was the NEADS fall graduation--- Ginger's official graduation, and I couldn't wait to go and see Pastor Jane and Ginger once again!!! They were there when we arrived, and Ginger was just beside herself to see all of us again. Like she did when we visited her at church, she just kept "running" for one person to the next, trying to say hi to all of us at the same time!!!!
She all but climbed into Rick's lap.....
And like wise with Linda. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that she was born to be a "ministry" dog, she has a gift, and she and Pastor Jane are a perfect match.
John Moone opened the ceremony and the tears began. It's such an emotional day-- a great day, but I find myself "all over the place". It makes me appreciate so much, and I am in awe when I see people who obviously have difficulties in their lives use words like "blessed, lucky, happy, excited" over and over again. I am so honored to be able to play a small role in this "service dog world"....
This year's guest speaker was Nick Trout, he is a vet and author, and has written a number of books about his life as a vet. (sort of like Jame Herriot did). His stories were wonderful and he had us laughing one moment and somber the next. I really enjoyed hearing him.
Camille came along with me as her role of "service dog supporter"... and she and Rylie laid quietly threw the whole ceremony. I just love this little girl, she is certainly a; wonderful dog and my partner in 'crime" for sure.
Twenty six dogs graduated today... with a variety of different jobs. Here is Pastor Jane and Ginger on the stage receiving their diploma. Pastor Jane told me later that she was over whelmed and a bit choked up, and actually had a hard time speaking when it was her turn. That surprised me, she speaks in front of people all the time, but she said this was "different"...
Afterwards, we got some time to chat and take pictures. Ginger was so silly.. she knew that today was for her!!!
And we got to hear even more stories of the things she and Pastor Jane have been doing together. For such a short time, they have accomplished a lot... and I just know that they will be a blessing to many people in the future. Their work has just begun, and it's exiting to be able to "watch" and see where this all goes.
And who knows what's in store for little Rylie, I am excited about her work as well... I have a very good feeling about this little girl as well..... two years from now, I hope to be back at another graduation - watching her cross the stage!!!!
Moxie girl - as well as Monty - are not far from their turn in dates... time goes by fast when you are puppy raising!!!!
Back when Ginger was on a puppy swap with Linda, she "won" this bed from Cabela's. Linda has been "'saving" it for graduation day, and I would say Ginger was pretty excited about it. Pastor Jane was delighted because Ginger didn't have bed in her office... and now.... Though I have a feeling she won't be using it that much!!!!
All to soon, the day is over. Days like this ,that have special meaning.. never seem long enough.. time to gather things up and head for home. As we were leaving, Rick snuck in one last hug... and this is "the look"... the "Ginger look".. which is what I think works the best in her duties. Those big brown eyes look right into you soul and calm you...
The neatest thing is, Ginger is not out of my life. We have already made promises to visit her church again, and Pastor Jane will keep in touch. I understand how rare this is, as a puppy raiser, once your job is done, then it's done. The dogs move on to do their work and become a life partner to the people who need them most... but I have been blessed,I can "keep" this wonderful dog in my life... a gift for sure. However, life moves on, Ginger will be contining in her good works, and I with mine.......................
Our November check in at NEADS... another month is here already (??) I think Rylie is getting a little bigger, but she's such a peanut and I don't see her growing. She can still wear a puppy size vest, in fact, the "big dog" vest really is still too big!!!!
Our check-in's are almost routine, but even though we seem to do the "same things', I always enjoy these days of dogs and good friends, and always come away with some good training advise. Rylie and Marv quietly converse while the humans do the same at the "round table" talks (as I call it!!)
Then, it's off to the city. This will be Vicki's last check in with us... she'll be turning in during the month of December. Both she and her handler have come a long way in their year together. It will be fun to hear about her next adventure... and one day, we hope to watch her cross the stage at graduation...
June and Vicki... Kathleen and Monty... Linda and Marv... "enjoying" the city on a fine fall day.
Rylie, just taking in the sights.....
At the hospital, we just took a few minutes and camped out at the front door. The floor there is a metal grate and it "shakes" a little when you walk across it. So, having the puppies sit on it while people walked by was a good little training session. Course the puppies always draw alot of attention.
From there it was onto the elevators. Rylie enjoyed her ride, and as you can see by the others... it's "old hat"... (that's Norton's butt you can see on the edge of the picture)... Moxie just lays down and waits for the door to open.. Vicki takes in the view....
Here are all the Maine puppies waiting at the elevators... Rylie, Moxie, Marv and Monty.... we won't be together too much longer... Monty's turn in date is getting close too....
After elevator work, we went to get some lunch. This young man and his Mom were waiting as well. When she told him about the puppies he just had to 'see" them. Rylie was more than happy to become friends, and as you can tell, he was delighted to meet her as well. Even if our puppies don't make "service dog".. they have already done "good work"....
Norton... as handsome as always.....
Rylie took a little snooze while we ate lunch. I do forget that she is still so little (four months) and runs out of steam much sooner than the older dogs do. But she is really catching onto this "service dog" thing and I have a good feeling about her future.
Our next stop was the train station. "Playing" on the stairs is always good work.. we practice going up and down at different speeds, stepping carefully on the "slippery" floor, and then we take turns with each other's dogs.. just to be sure that they will work with others as well as us...

Not only did we catch up with the commuter train, but a huge freight train went threw as well. Didn't bother Rylie one little bit. However, we did have a bit of trouble with the commuter train. When the train pulls up to the station, there is a space about 8-10 inches between the train and the platform. When I went to get on the train, I realized that Rylie would have to jump to get on, as she's too little to step on like the big dogs. Suddenly, in my mind, i could see her mis- stepping and "falling" between the train and the platform. It was all kind of silly, but I just couldn't get the thought out of my mind, and got so, I couldn't even get on the train with her. I ended up handing her off to Rick and he took her on for me. She actually was a little nervous having to jump on the train, so it was just as well her "nervous" Mother didn't try to do the training.

And after the train work, we chatted some more and headed for home. We won't be back at NEADS until "next year".. but December is going to be so busy... that I know it will be here before we know it.