So the week between Christmas and the New Year... first off, it's been COLD!!! really cold... and even though the sun shines so bright, I have to admit, I don't feel like heading out. The woodstove is so warm, there are plenty of "hand work projects" to keep me happy and being inside seems perfectly fine.
Course, being "cold" is no excuse.. having chosen this "farm life".. there are chores that need attention, and even though I would be just as happy sitting inside... the barn calls and I need to be out and taking care of the animals.
The horses do fine in the cold. Everyone has a big furry coat... hay and water provide good internal heat, and they know how to catch the warmth of the sun. If only I were as brave as they are.
I don't remember having cold snaps as long as the last few have been. We usually get a few days of really cold weather, but it would seem this winter we are getting weeks of cold.... Ed and I have some "fears" of our stock of wood, so we'll be keeping an eye on that.....
I worry some about Silver too.... being such an old boy. On really cold nights, we do blanket him, but he is mostly happy without one.
I will say, we are going threw some hay as well as wood... but we are in really good shape in that department. Goodness, that hot 4th of July weekend seems so long ago... but am I glad that we brought that hay in... and had the help of the "marines" to do it!!!!
Even Annabelle stays well fed... she comes out to eat, and then hops back into her little kitty house. I check on her often and find her to be snug and warm in her little house... sure happy that we got that for her.
Camille continues to enjoy our tree. Every year she does this.. claims the spot under the tree. Moxie used to do that, so maybe she learned it from her. But the other thing is.. the afternoon sun lays nicely threw the french doors... so, this spot under the tree is always the sunniest on these winter afternoons.
New Year's eve day... Abbie is back for a sleep over. Sadie and Jessie had outdoor plans, and thinking Abbie might not be so happy doing that, they asked if she might not come and be with us again... (oh yeah.. like I have to be asked twice). Ab didn't get to see Aunt Becky and Uncle Ed at Christmas, so I had their gift for her. She was thrilled with their scooter.... and has decided that it's a good thing to keep here at Baby and Papa's....
And Papa found for her an after Christmas gift.... this is a "flutter fairy" and seem to be a favorite this year. (we're sort of out of the loop of the favorites....) But Abbie was thrilled to get her....
and you got it.... she flies!!!! It's the neatest thing... and she has a little sensor in her feet, so as she heads to the ground, she then floats up again. We had a great time playing with her this afternoon.
I'm not a big fan of New Year's... never have been... I know people wait all year for it.. but to me.. it's the end of the holidays and winter seems to only loom ahead. However, I am trying to change my idea about that... and since we aren't really the party type either.. simply heading down to Kas and Nate's.. for a dinner out, was just (if not better) as good.
We went out to a local Chinese restaurant... it was very good and not so busy (though we were there early).
After supper, it was back to Kass and Nate's for a little bit... Abbie and Reagan played and we just enjoyed being with our kids and grands.....
Reagan was soon ready for bed, and us as well.. we have big plans for tomorrow... so, I needed to get home and rest up. And we say a fond farewell to 2013... a year that brought us many many blessings and joy. And a year that I am very grateful for the blessings that the Good Lord has given to us. As the new year comes in, my hope is that 2014 will be just as great, and that it is great for all of you.....
And so, the time has arrived.... and looking to be as exciting as promised. I didn't share earlier, because these were Christmas presents... but I made one of the little nutcracker ornaments for both Abbie and Reagan.... I try each year to make them an ornament and maybe one day.. they will have a tree of their own, filled with ornaments made by "baby"....I also want to make each of them a Christmas stocking.. but that didn't happen this year, so it's top of the list for next!!!!!
It turned out that my "day before the day before" didn't come out so quiet... Sadie called and said that Abbie wanted to come back for an overnight.... which meant that we could have her here for Christmas Eve morning and thus we were able to have some "one on one" time with her... (since there are so many other family members that want to have her too...) So, when Papa arrived home from work, there she was......
I found this little game in a wonderful toy shop.... it's called "the Honeybee tree"... and you pull out the "branches" and see how many "bees" drop into your tray. The object of the game is.. "the one with fewer bees ..wins".. but Abbie decided that "bee keepers" like bees, so she changed the rules and said.. the "one with the most bees wins".... we must have played this game a hundred times and the moment Papa arrived home... he just had to stop everything and play!!!!
So, Christmas Eve morning, we were already enjoying opening gifts and seeing the happiness on Abbie's face with the gifts that Santa brought early, and the ones that Baby and Papa had found....
This year it's all about "my little ponies"... which is really funny, because both her Mom and Aunt were into these "ponies" at just about her age....wish now I had kept all those "ponies" from before....
It was so nice to have the day together.. Abbie got to play with her new things, stay in her pj's and we had fun ....
Then, we got dressed and met up with everyone for church. We went down to the church that Kass and Nate attend... and fortunately, went quite early, because we were able to find some seats ... in the back!!! The church was beyond packed!!! (too bad that isn't a weekly occurrence!!!) It was a very nice service and I really enjoyed being there.
Debbie was with us as well... she was so good, and hardly anyone even knew she was there. Seems I have a different dog every Christmas!!!
After church, we all met at Rachel's house. Abbie and Naomi were so happy to be together.... they had a great time playing with Reagan and just being two little girls waiting for Christmas....
Tried to get a "good" photo of these three... but for this year... impossible!!!!
Then it was "jammie's" time... so that when little ones fell asleep on the their rides home.. they could easily be tucked into bed afterwards.... and look who is starting the climbing up stage!!!!
Debbie seemed to keep a careful eye on him!!!!
What a gift it is to have the whole family together.... I love making, buying and giving presents... no doubt... but I have come to the point in my life where.... this is the real gift.... four generations of one family all together, celebrating the birth of our Lord!!!!
Christmas kiss...
and just a few presents opened.... because tomorrow... everyone will be off in different directions.....
and surprises......
Now, Christmas morning we were at Kass and Nate's... they have taken over the Christmas morning breakfast.... again.. a houseful of family... we were joined by Deb and Dave... Lauren,Sean and Deb's Mom.. plus my Mom and Dad.... watching Reagan enjoying his first Christmas morning....
And that great little toy shop where I found the bee game... had all the great toys.... I think Reagan enjoys his top.... (with a little train that runs round and round....)
spending time with Papa.....
My Mom "found" this peddle car at (of all places) the local thrift shop!!! It is in great condition.. and though it's just a tad big for him to really use now... he seemed quite fascinated by it... (and sat in it for the longest time)....

"come on Camille"... the day has just begun.... Now.. me.. the camera guru... who hardly ever is NOT taking pictures of everything... suddenly found a camera with no Batteries!!!! (and of course, did I think to bring the extra with me... NO)... so... you have to be sure that the rest of the day went just as wonderful.
From Kass and Nate's it was onto my parent's house.... where we were joined by my sisters and their families... more excellent food... and gifts of course... but still for me... more time spent together. And as the day (sadly) came to a close... I can say for fact.. that this was yet again another wonderful Christmas... and I am sad that it will be tucked away for another year..... there is much to look forward to, but I am always sad to see Christmas night.....
"the day before the day before"... still one of my favorite "days of the holidays" though I must admit, that this year... it doesn't have the same "meaning" as it has in the past. When the kids were little, I loved the 23rd, because I was always already for Christmas.. the "stress" was behind me, and yet the excitement and wonder was still yet to be .... now that we're empty nesters... the "stress" of getting it all done really doesn't exists anymore, but there is still the excitement.. especially with the grands!!!
And we woke this morning to the sound of sleet and ice, and the world around us seems to be made of glass. Though it is pretty, it's also a real pain in the neck, and getting around the farm (especially on the drive) is not much fun. No more walking down to the barn for me... I'll pull the jeep out and drive it down...
so, the doggies and I just stuck close to home (Ed was working) and made sure that everything is wrapped and packed and set to go......
Yesterday, however, was a much more exciting day. Abbie had spent the night before, and we all dressed in the morning and went to church. She hasn't been to church with us for a while, so everyone was so happy to see her. Because of the predicted weather.. attendance at church was low, but it was fun. The kids had a special story and each received a white Christmas teddy bear, much to their delight... an early Christmas gift.
In the afternoon, Abbie and I made cookies.. she loves to bake and is so good and careful around the stove. I love cooking with her.....and she was so happy to make Papa's favorite cookies for him.
She did some re-dorating of the tree, putting her favorite ornaments where she could see them best. And needless to say, she is beyond excited about Christmas. Her request this year are "my little ponies"... and I know for a fact that Santa has many of them tucked into his sleigh just for her. Sadie came and picked Abbie up late in the afternoon so they could do some of their family activities... but Abbie will be back on Christmas eve afternoon.. so that Papa and I can have some "present time" with just her......
After Abbie and Sadie left, we headed out to meet up with Kas, Nate and Reagan. There is a house a few towns over that does an amazing light display... so we thought it would be fun to have some dinner together and then head over and check out the lights. Reagan is so good at restaurants, and now he is really getting into feeding himself...
And he seemed to really get into the conversation at the table. It still amazes me at how fast these little ones grow... next Christmas I can only imagine the excitement level with both these "grands!!!"
As we pulled up to see the lights, Reagan caught on right away. He was so exited to watch them... Kass pulled him out of the car seat so he could see them better....
and it was a nice display. All done to music and the trees and house all light up and "dance". It really is neat.... and must take them hours to prepare. We have gone to see these lights other years, and it has been packed and hard to enjoy them. Because we were just on the early side this year, we had the whole event to ourselves....
The family that does this has a donation box and you can drop in a few monies ... all the proceeds go to the "Make a wish foundation"... such a good thing to do in the spirit of Christmas.....
I think Reagan could have stayed and watched all evening... but others were coming to see and we all need to be getting some good rests to carry us threw the next couple of busy days!!!!
So, on this "quiet" day before the day before... I hope that everyone is getting those last minutes things done, and enjoying the hussle and bussle that seems to come with it all... and yet, I hope too, that everyone has those wonderful moments to catch your breath and simply...... enjoy!!!