It's hard to think that we haven't been down to NEADS since November!!! With the holidays and our trip to DC, there wasn't time to do a December check in, and I remember thinking as we left in November, "it will be the new year before we are back", that seemed like a long time away, but here we are, and it wasn't that long. We are in a stretch of cold weather... and this was the temp as we pulled out this morning... brrrrr... hope Dave has "inside work" for us!!!!!
We met at NEADS, did our usual "round table" discussion, and then it was onto the mall. (whew --- way to cold to go in the city today!!!) The mall had (has) all sorts of training opportunities, so it was a good day of work. Another glass elevator... what is it about this area and glass elevators... we don't have them around here....
Along with watching the dogs work, hearing about where they are at.. Dave also takes pictures each month to go into their files. This is Marv, he's only about 8 months old, and he's huge!!!! Each month he gets bigger, we fondly call him "pony"....
Rylie was pretty un-impressed with the mall and the elevator. I like her quite attitude, though I do worry a little about her "drive"... she is very laid back, which is good, but she is a lab and I expect a little more excitement out of her. I actually told Dave that I wished she had a "little more", but he doesn't seem concerned.
Dave likes to switch dogs and handlers around. So, I wasn't able to work Rylie, but I got lots of pictures of her working with others. She doesn't care who she is with, her work is her work, and she does it well for anyone.
Even though the puppies are not allowed on escalators, being around them is a good thing. They do make all sorts of noises, and people riding up and down look different. Moxie and Rylie dealt with alot of escalators when we went to DC, so this was "nothing" to them.
Regular stairs are another good working tool. The puppies need to know how to stop cold on the stairs and wait, they could be matched with someone who might lose their balance on the steps, or someone who might need to lean on them while doing stairs. Here Marv and Rick do a nice job of "waiting on the steps"......
Now, Kathleen and Rylie start their "stair stepping" . Rylie did pretty well here, but she could use more work. She tends to take one step ahead and I need to work on her keeping back.
Here's something that you may or may not notice.. a "scary lion" in the window. I see so many things differently when out working with the dogs. This would more than likely be something I would walk by and never even notice... but a puppy might!!! Actually none of our puppies were even concerned, but these are the kinds of things we are always on the watch for.....
And kids, especially little ones, often run out of no where to see the puppies. Right now, we aren't too concerned about the dogs ignoring other people, we work to keep their attention on us, but being so young, it is expected that they will be distracted. Fortunately all our dogs love children, so this isn't a big deal. As the dogs get older though, they do have to learn how to not be distracted with things of this sort.
It's hard "not to see us"coming... we do bring a lot of attention to ourselves when working like this. (even more reason to have THE best behaved dogs in the world!!!!!)
By the end of the day, Rylie gives me this look like "I've been good, I've worked hard... let's head home".. though she certainly isn't as tired as she was when she was younger. When I think of it, I figure she and I have about six more check in's together and it will be her turn in time. Basing your life on "what service dog you had at the time" sure shows you how quickly it passes. but that's still a whole summer away.......
What a fun evening we had tonite. But, before this story really begins.. it actually began last summer. We were at camp, I was down by the water with the dogs, when Ed yelled out to me.. "come and see this, I think it's something you would like". Well, I almost didn't go up to check it out, but I am sure glad I did. Ed was flipping threw the tv channels, and caught glimpse of Lois Montalvan.. a veteran who had just published a book titled "Until Tuesday".. it is the story of his service dog, Tuesday, and how getting this dog truly saved his life. Now, I'm not going to give that story away.. and just encourage you to pick up a copy and read it yourself. It's a wonderful story and next summer (I believe) will be made into a movie.
So, after watching the interview on the tv, I went and got the book, and then I "found" Lois on facebook and became his "friend". I told him if he ever got to Maine, I would love to know and perhaps one day meet him and Tuesday.
That opportunity other friend, Suzan, (who has service dog, Friday!!!) sent a note to the puppy raiser group that Lois was going to be at Planet Dog for a talk and book signing... so, tonite, we trucked up to Planet Dog. It was a bitter cold night (lucky for me) so there wasn't a huge crowd.
We brought Rylie with us... when I read "Until Tuesday" I was raising Ginger, and each time I get a new puppy, I would let Lois know. He thinks "we puppy raisers" are "amazing"...
His talk was very fun. He told about his life in the military... talked a little about his injury and PTSD... and how he heard about service dogs, and finally being matched with Tuesday. I knew much of his story from his book, but it was much better hearing it in "real life"....
Most of us from the puppy raiser group were there...( Bernice came along and brought her baby ZuZu).....and there were a number of both service dogs and puppies in training . Just a great evening of good dog folks and dogs.... (one of my favorite kind of events)
Afterwards, Lois took the time to chat with us, and sign his book. Again because the crowd wasn't that large, we were able to spend some real time with him.
I was pretty excited to shake his hand and give my name a "face"... I got a big hug from him. Then we did a few photo opts (and please don't say anything about Ed and I in "twin" mode.... it happens alot, but that is another whole story!!!!)
Lois is a big dog person, and he was happy to meet Moxie and Rylie. He was very interested in NEADS and how our program works....
Tuesday was "off duty" so he happily in true golden style, schmoozed with Kelli and everyone else who had come to meet him.
And of course, I had to get a photo of Tuesday and Rylie together. Who knows, maybe one day.. Rylie will have a book written about her.!!! But, anyways, it was just a fun night.. and again, if you are looking for a really good read.. pick up a copy of "Until Tuesday".... you'll be glad you did!!!
It's been a busy winter, and really - I can't believe how quickly it's going by.... spring is just around the corner... (along with baby Reagan!!!) I am outside as much as possible.. sleighing as much as possible., but there are those bitter cold days, where, you almost can't be outside. And then I turn to indoor projects, of which there are many to choose from!!!
I've been "playing" around with knitting for a while now. Don't know that I am all that great at it, but there are a few projects I have done and have been very pleased with. I made this little hat (Abbie's baby doll is playing model for me).. I love the little sheep that it has on it...
And it's one of my gifts to Reagan. This is some of that beautiful wool that I got at the Common Ground Fair last fall. Abbie really liked it, so I have a raspberry color that I want to do for her. I also made a counted cross stitch blanket for Reagan, but somehow I never got a picture of that...
I have a couple of quilt tops that need to be finished, and an endless number of cross stitch "kits" that can be broken into... there's always something to keep me entertained....
Sadie's boyfriend, Jesse, is "in love" with our big wood furnace. As I was heading out one morning, I caught this photo of him.... pipe, coffee, and minding the stove... is this "New England" or what???
And Abbie and Tatter were playing "dress up" one cold winter morning... are they quite the pair. If it isn't Rylie that is in "some outfit", it's Tatter... though they both seem to always enjoy the attention!!!! (btw, the scarf that Tatter is wearing is another one of my creations!!!)
So, winter plods along.. here on the farm...
Little did she know... but Deb and I have been planning Kassy's baby shower for months. However, anytime she mentioned "do you think I'll have a family baby shower, Mom".. my answer was.. "let's get threw the holidays and the bulk of winter"...Kass likes to have things done ahead, so that answer didn't sit too well (which was the plan).
Because we are so blessed with family and many friends, our "fear" was... where to have this shower. Fortunately, Kas said something about the fact that we could probably have the church I called Sharon (Kass's bible study teacher) to see if we could...and the answer was "yes".
So, today, I packed up Rylie (and a ton of other things) met Deb and Sharon at the church, and our months of planning began to come together....
Here's the decorating crew!!!! Deb got some many wonderful decorations, and the hall looked amazing when they were done...
So happy to have all this space.. and we also could use the kitchen, which was a huge help.
Reagan's cake....
Which matched his napkins and plates..... (and the theme that Kas has for his little room)
Guests arrived and the gift table began to fill.....
Friends and family filled the tables....
It was up to Nate to get Kassy there. He came up with a great "excuse"... the church's snowblower wasn't working, and he had to go and see what the trouble was. Kass wasn't too excited about going out to "fix a snowblower", but Nate got her there.. and it stayed a "surprise" until the very last moment....
She was pretty overwhelmed........
I love surprising people!!!! (we got ya Kass!!)
This is our aunt Doreen and her great grandbaby, Caroline.... the generations are getting bigger and bigger... Reagan is great grandbaby number two for my Mom and Dad.....
My sister, Rachel, made all these little cookies.....
And there were many eager helpers when it came time to open gifts....
So many wonderful things, and it looks like Kass will be all set when baby Reagan makes his grand entrance into the world....
Trina is a long time friend from the Marine Corps days.. she traveled SIX hours to be with Kass.....
After the wonderful afternoon, we all helped transport things back to Kas and Nate's... the living room filled with all the gifts.... it was fun to watch Kas go threw them again, and be able to really see them....
Kass didn't want to forget her Daddy's birthday... so we celebrated with the second cake of the day.....
And we eagerly await for the next birthday boy!!!!!!!