Took some nice shots of the farm as I pulled away....
I like seeing the apple trees dressed in white, but it would be a "nice white" if they were apple blossoms and not snow!!!!!
And my favorite row of trees (at a neighboring farm) always look pretty......
I met up with the other puppy raisers at Rick and Kelli's house. While we were waiting I saw this beautiful view from their front window......
The trip down to neads was fine. The roads were clear and the further south we got, the less snow... they got mostly rain. So, I was happy that we didn't decide to cancel. We met and greeted all our pals there, and went into our round table time. The puppies are pretty used to the routine at the academy... Rylie went right into sleep mode.
We popped in to say hi to Gerry real quick. He always enjoy seeing the dogs when we go.....
And Bernice got a special surprise visit from T and his new owner, Donna. We puppy raisers always love to see our babies once again. T was dropped from being a service dog, but he sure loves being Donna's dog!!!!
Getting read to head into the city.......
Rylie says she's ready to go.......
We worked on the street for awhile.. it was almost warm in the city. Just being that little bit south can make a big difference.....
We went into the hospital to grab some lunch and "play on the elevators" and such... Rylie made a friend right away... and this gentleman liked her so much that I finally had to tell him that we needed to move onto our work. I know Rylie would have stayed with him all day if I had let her.....
Pretty high up wouldn't you say...... she seemed quite interested in watching how things went from large to small and back again. Elevators are no big deal her!!!!
From the hospital it was over to the train station. No troubles here either... since our trip to Washington, trains were no big deal.....
But, by the end of the day, everyone is ready to head for home. and actually this day at neads was a bit shorter than usual... because I had to get back home and get ready for school.................
That's BEE school I'm talking about, and that's another story!!!!!