Easter was so early this year... and was it's usual (in the north anyways) cool/cold self. At least the snow is going!!! We were all invited to Mom and Dad's for dinner, but already the day did not go according to plan.... poor Camille... she is so confused and trying to figure it all out!!!!
The boys (Jesse and Nate) couldn't wait to get their bikes out... but after riding for about an hour, they both said it was still too cold. Jesse decided not to ride his bike back to the farm!!! and left it at Nate's....
Between babysitting the other night and my birthday.. and now today, it's been a great weekend for family time. I know how blessed we are to be able to do this on a "regular" basis!!!
Course, little Reagan was the hit of the day. Here he cuddles with his Uncle Ed....
And then, is passed around and admired by all.....
Even little Amy had to check him all over ....
This is what I got for my birthday!!! my veil, smoker, hive tool and even a plant to get started!!! But, back to the start of this blog... the "day not going according to plan"... instead of church this morning, we were at the hospital!!! Ed's heart has gone back into afib.... thinking it was a good idea to go have it checked out, we skipped church. AND after they decided to admit him, it was a good idea. So, home I came after a really nice day with family, leaving my Ed down at the hospital. They're working on getting his heart back in with meds and hopefully not going to zap him, we'll know over the next few days!!!!!
Turtle in a pot.... NOT for supper. Yesterday, to celebrate Titus anniversary with us, I asked Ed if he would help me give Titus's tank a complete clean out. I got Titus six years ago -- for my birthday!!! He's doing well and I have really enjoyed him as a pet.
Being a "red-eared slider", they're not suppose to get too big - certainly there are other types of turtles that get much bigger... but even still, Titus has grown since we got him. He's really a funny guy and I never thought that he would be a true "pet", but he really is...
His tank is 120 gallons, which we only half fill with water, and fortunately this has been a good home for him. We went threw three other tanks, before getting this one that allows him the room he needs. Taking care of turtles isn't the easy task if you do it correctly.. there's a bit to it... but I think we have it down to a science....
I figure he must be 8-9 years old, and more than likely is as big as he'll be. I read that turtles can live as long as thirty years, so I may have him for a bit longer. One of the funniest things he does is... watch TV. He has a sun pad that lines up with the TV and we often catch him on his pad, looking out of the tank at the TV. If you turn it off, he'll slides back into the water, but will come out again if the TV goes back on....
I love it when his tank is all clean. I do change the water and filter every couple of months, but it's nice to do a real clean out a couple times year. And I think he appreciates the good care....
And here's another birthday treat!!!! I got to babysit!!!! I haven't seen little Reagan in over a week, I got a cold and didn't want to be too close to him... but Kas called and asked if we were interested in watching him while she and Nate went to a birthday party. Well, you just have to know I was all over that. So, Friday night, back in our old little house with kids... doesn't this bring back memories or what???
Abbie had been with her Dad, so I told Sadie to have him drop her by with us, and we got to have both the "grands"... it was so much fun!!!!
Abbie certainly takes on the "helping" mode, to the point where you have to keep an eye on her... she loves her little cousin and I am so happy to think that they will be close threw out their lives....
Papa and Reagan... hanging out together. Kas and Nate weren't very late, and the evening zoomed by... can't wait to "sit" again....
And today, was my birthday!!! As usual, I got to celebrate with Deb (her's is Monday/April 1st). With Easter on this weekend as well, it's going to be filled with lots of family time (ya-hoo!!!)
And not just "our" kids, but friends dropped by too... Diana and Patrick.... Diana was like another daughter to us, living just next door, the girls were always together ... and Diane being a labor and delivery nurse , was there when Reagan was born. I just can't express enough of what a blessing it is to have life long friends, kids of friends, and family to celebrate the good times in our lives!!!
Mom and Dad having a nice chat with Deb....
Jesse, Nate and Sean.... all nice young men... I did get "presents" too, but actually... these are the real gifts in my life...
Happy birthday to...................ME!!!!
Check in time again at NEADS... honestly the month seems to zoom by!!! I "hate" to think how fast, because it won't be too many more visits and they'll be thinking about Rylie and her advance training!!!! The snow piles are getting a bit smaller, and it certainly was a much "warmer" day this trip than last....
We always make quite the grand entrance when we arrive. I have to say the staff is so happy when our group arrives, and just about everyone comes out of their office to greet us and see how much the puppies have grown. I feel like a celebrity when we are there....
It's pretty routine, with Dave talking the time to talk with us and check in on the puppies progress....
and here's most of the group with Marv (way in the back) Moxie (on the left) then Mercury... next is Otis.. then the golden is not a neads puppy, just a visitor.. his name is Grahame and in the back is Vega... Rylie was under my feet so you can't see her!!!!
This month, Dave had a little different game plan.. he wanted to see "how the puppies play".... seems that service dogs need to be just about perfect in all departments and that included play time. He wants to be sure that we don't have any bullies, or ones that run and hid in the corner. As you can see, everyone had a great time playing together....
And everyone was just happy, there wasn't any bulling or other behavior that would cause concern. I did keep an eye on Rylie, she is so much smaller than the rest... she actually is very small for a Lab, weighing in at just 45 pounds. But, she isn't afraid and got right in there with the big guys and had a grand time for herself.
That's her (to the left) giving as big a tug as she possibly can. If her size isn't a concern, I have a feeling that she would make a great service pup. But, size does play a factor in the matter.. so I guess we'll see how this all plays out. I think she could work for a child or a small adult, however, NEADS doesn't always get the right client at the right time.... matching dogs to people is an art all to itself...
We did some obedience work too.. as important as play is... the work is too. We practiced calling them from play time and then asking them to down/stay (take a little break) and then allowed them back again. Everyone did really well with this too....
We did get a little time in the city, but not as much as usual. I have my last bee class tonite, and so had to get back.... Dave has seen the pups in the city, so I don't think he is very concerned about all of that. And next month, the weather should be even better to go and do city work. We'll be back down in just a week or so, Spring graduation is April 7th, and even though there aren't any puppies from our group graduating, we always enjoy going...
Sometimes, I post about everything that goes on in my life, though I do use this blog as a reminder to me, as to what goes on in my life. But, for the "regular" things - like teaching dog classes, I don't always give reorganization... however, I do continue to teach three nights a week, and every six weeks, a new group of wonderful puppies come threw. Here is one of my recent groups... they all passed the AKC STAR puppy program.... I was so pleased, the whole class passed...
I also had a AKC CGC class that same night, certainly much smaller than my puppy group, but again.. all three passed.... shows what good works my students do with their dogs...
We finally got a day with some spring like temps... I have been anxious to get ready for my bees that will be arriving in May. My class is almost done and I sort of feel ready in the "taking care of them" department.. but we needed to get their hive ready. Ed actually built these hive boxes (aka "supers) for me a few years ago when I was first looking into bee keeping. Between the move and building the farm, I didn't get very far with it until now...but everything comes in it's proper time....
Abbie was so happy to get outside too... she loves to play outside. Sadie and Jesse got her this neat four wheeler and she's getting used to driving it....
But, after a little bit, it was back to her ol' three wheel bike. She has a two wheel bike as well, but I think of all three - this is still the favorite. She rode a number of trips up and down the driveway....
However, when she saw us working on the hive, she had to come and check that out too. I am painting them a hunter green, most folks are used to seeing white bee hives, but here in New England it is suggested that the hives be a dark color which helps warm them in the winter time. Abbie wanted to help paint them, so I tried giving her the job of dusting them off and getting them ready for me....
She took the job seriously and got into every corner.....
But, nothing I could say got her mind off painting.. so, we let her paint. They'll need a second coat and I doubt if the bees are going to worry if the painting it perfect.. and it made her happy to be involved with the project.....
She did "allow" me to do the edges and finish up and kept saying "hey Baby, you're doing a really nice job"... moments like this are just too precious to let slip by.... and who knows, she might become a bee keeper thanks to her ol grandma!!!!
Drying in the sun and waiting for the bees to move in. The classes I have been taking have been very fun, I have met some really nice folks, some have bees coming and others are just taking the class to learn. After the "book classes" we do classes called "open hives" where our teachers will have us come and go into their hives with them. I am looking forward to that. I have asked for "bee stuff" for my birthday. and once I have my veil and such, I am ready to get into it!!!!
It was so great to be outside without heavy coats and enjoy the sun. We still have a fair amount of snow, but a few more days like this and it will go quick. Abbie had great fun climbing around on the old Garford and asking Papa all kinds of questions....
I probably have more supers than I'm going to need this year... typically you don't get honey the first year of keeping, but just in case!!!!
And it wouldn't be fitting to let today pass by and not think about my dear little Moxie... had she still been with us, today she would have turned 16. It isn't likely that she would have lived that long, though Cole made it to 17... but I still miss her and still find that some days, I can't think of her and not still cry. ( love ya, Mox!!!!) and spring is a perfect time to catch your breath and move onto new things......
Poor Rylie, she went on a puppy swap with Kathleen (that's NOT the "poor"part!!!) but after being away for two weeks, she had to go in to be spayed. So, she's been on down time for a while... however, tonite, everyone was meeting at the mall.. and I thought she might enjoy getting out for a bit and not stressing herself too much.
Everyone came... this is Marv... and even thought we suppose to be "working" the mall.. it turned out to be more of a visit time. We're heading to neads next week, but even then, we don't really have the time to talk and catch up with each other....
So, it was really nice just to be able to do that. Kathleen's new boy is Mercury... he was with Rick when Rylie stayed with Kathleen, but now (for the moment) all the puppies are in their original homes. Linda has a new addition to her family too... she is now the forever and proud owner of Otis.
Otis was puppy raised by Kelli and Rick, and for the longest time he was doing well in the advance training program. I not exactly sure why he ended up being dropped - there are so many details that go into making such a decision.. but, none the less... he was and Linda thought she might like to have him. Actually he isn't working as a service dog, but Linda is going to use him as a "demo dog" at the various fund raisers, and other service dog training events that we do. And for Otis, Kelli and Rick.. the reunions will be many.....
Moxie doesn't seem to mind "sharing" her time with Otis!!!! so, it wasn't a very eventful night as far as training goes... but not every training event has to be, I guess.....
Today is the first day of spring.... doesn't it look like it.....
I can't wait to see my first dandi lion!!!! come on spring!!!!! we miss you!!!!
guess what??? we got more snow yesterday!!! and had to cancel (again) dog class for the Tuesday night group. I know, we're in the north, it's "only" March, but I have to admit, it's getting a little tiresome.......
Looks like another day for "inside" projects.. which there are always plenty of things to do... just I want to be outside!!!!!
Abbie and I decided to make some cookies... she loves to bake, and it's something fun and yummy to do.....
Adding in the butter.... these cookies won't last long....
Sunday was St. Paddy's Day... but there's no 'wear in' of the green around here!!!!