Off on another service dog adventure!!! We were invited to a camp for wounded veterans and their families.... what a beautiful spot this was. Each year this camp is open to veterans and their families as a place to "escape" and to relax and try new things. The directors of the camp are becoming more aware and interested in service dogs... and that is how we were asked to visit.....
There are small cabins around the grounds that house the guests...but the main lodge is used for dining, special events, and just a place to sit back and enjoy....
I could have curled up in a sun spot and just stayed there all day.....
There is a real peace around here, but it's also as "busy" as one chooses it to be. Swimming, boating, games, food... things that can be a challange as well as a retreat....
Four dogs went.. Otis, Moxie, Rayvan and Debbie... all being labs... let's just say... staying OUT of the water was it's own challenage!!!
We talked with a lot of the veterans... some of them knew about service dogs.. and others weren't so sure. I think that there were at least four veterans who were seriously interested in the idea of getting a dog... all for various reasons, but it felt good to give them the information and resources as to where they can find dogs.. and learn about the "work" that a dog can do.....(Debbie ran out of steam before we were done!!!)
This is Grizzly... he belongs to one of the directors and is a certified therapy dog... his handler said he makes a big difference to the guests at the camp.... (he was a real sweetie pie too)....
There were three service dogs camping with their handlers... one turned out to be a NEADS dog!!!! we had a great time meeting with him and his handler. This gentleman couldn't say enough good things about service dogs in general and of course NEADS!!!! They have been a team for four years, and we heard the greatest stories!!!!
I never knew such a place exsisted... and it was so great to see it in action. Just one small way to say thank you to those who have served, and a place where veterans can go and help to heal their wounds....
The next few days we spent back at our camp... true to a busy summer, we haven't been there nearly enough this year.... maybe some day.. life will "slow down" a bit... but, on the menu this evening!!!!!
And yes, my Mom always said... "don't play with your food..." but it's just way too much fun when it comes to lobsters... (poor thing...)
Have had quite a few meals of this beauties this summer.... I think I could eat it weekly.....
Camp fires, trips, beautiful weather... camp... I am truly, truly blessed......
It's back in town!!!! our annual, local, little county fair. We had the perfect weekend for it - considering that two years ago we had a hurricane heading our way and the fair was shut down early - and as happy as I am when the fair comes to town, it is definitely an "end of summer" event. I wanted to show Mocha this year, but I didn't get her paperwork completed... maybe next year!!!!
They had a huge entry of cows this year.... real beautiful animals, and some breeds that I had never seen before.....
I admired the way these young folks handle these animals... cows are so different from the horses (or dogs)... and there certainly is a skill that is required to get a cow to do as you wish!!!!!
Since Sadie had to work, we asked if we could bring Abbie along with us. She was so excited to go, and she so enjoys the fairs. What I think is neat, is she likes everything... most little kids only want the rides and food... but Abbie likes to see it all..... here she and Papa watch the ox pulls..

Course, the food is always a big hit.. and true to Grandparent style... we let her eat it all..... the word "no" didn't exist today!!!!
She rode just about every ride they had....
Sometimes... twice!!! She's fearless and will take on any one....
And next year... we'll have two in tow... as Reagan will be certainly old enough to try out his first fair season.....
At night we packed up Debbie and went back to the fair ... it's a great training site for the service dogs!!! As I pretty much figured.. I really didn't see the fair... everyone loves a puppy and I could manage to walk about 20 feet between stops... The funny thing is, I had so many people ask "what is this year's puppy named?"... (guess I have been raising puppies for a while now!!!)
Debbie just went with the flow.. she was interested in so many things, but always well behaved and never fearful. I have a very good feeling about this little girl.. that's for sure...
She didn't approve of the "fake service" dog......
But, she thought the "polar bear" was kind of neat.... in fact, I had a hard time pulling her away from him.... she loved all the attention he gave her....
Probably the "hardest" thing was just keeping her nose off the ground... it was just full of all sorts of "dropped goodies"....but overall, she did an outstanding job. I will certainly bring her to more fairs this fall....
So.. two of the "end of summer events" are done... Firemen's Muster, fair... next is Labor Day and then it's hello fall.... goodness that was a fast summer.....
Today was a day filled with all sorts of celebrations... to begin with, it's our 32nd wedding anniversary!!!! It's hard to think back on all that time, but I am so very blessed to say that Ed and I have had (are having) a wonderful life together. Dave (head trainer) said he felt bad that I was spending our anniversary at NEADS, but I told him... "when you marry your best friend, every day is your anniversary" and I truly feel that way!!!! So, my dear Ed, even though we didn't spend it "together".... it was a wonderful day and I love you very much!!!!
Now, since we didn't visit NEADS in July, it was Debbie's first check in. I was anxious for Dave to see her, because I think she is amazing. I love working with her, and my prediction is.. she'll go the full way and make service dog for sure. She has a great working attitude and seems more that up for anything that you put her up to..... it's been a great couple of months with her....
We did the usual check in talk. Kathleen is without a puppy right now, so the Maine dogs are just Rayvan and Debbie.... and since they are fairly close in age, they are doing many of the same things. Dave is pleased with their progress....
Debbie was very good, laid quietly and listened to the conversation.....
Then she got bored and decided that a nap would be a better way to spend her time. This is just how she is... either "on and working" or "down and sleeping"... an excellent habit for a service dog to get into....
Before we headed to the city, Dave pulled the van out and thought it would be fun for the puppies to "play on the lift".... He likes to put the puppies on together, that way they get confidence from each other. I don't think Debbie needed any help from her friends... but she had a good time sitting on the lift and asking me for treats!!!!
And when she and Rayvan began to goof off... that was all the better. Puppies don't play when the are afraid... well, these two certainly weren't "afraid".....
Riding the lift... piece of cake... or rather... treat!!!!!!!
Then it was off to the city... she looks so little in this big place. As usual, it was hot, noisy and busy. I'm the one that probably doesn't care for it... Debbie... just checked out the scereny....
We made our usual lunch stop at the hospital... by now, my little girl was pretty worn out. She snored the whole time under the table......
I hated to tell her that this was next.... elevators!!! I am doing better with them, but I doubt that i will ever "love them".... fortunately this trip.. Dave thought that Debbie had done plenty and he didn't ask us to ride the elevators... just practice stepping on and off... (which by the way, has to be done quickly and orderly.. especially when other people are around...)
From there it was over to the train... which we always try to meet as one is either pulling in or out. Those trains are loud, even just sitting there.... Again, my little Debbie just checked it all out....
In fact, i think she found it rather boring.......
Last stop.. the bus station. And she still stays nice and steady... doing anything that is asked of her....
The day, as it always does on check ins - zoomed by. And a very tired little puppy came back to the farm.
Ed invited me out for dinner, but after being on the road all day... we decided to save that for another time....
Happy anniversary my love... and good job Debbie!!!!!
Today, we were invited to Linda and Jim's home (Linda is our chapter leader).. for an afternoon of pool side fun. Actually it was a pool party for the puppies, and I can tell you... they certainly enjoyed that. Linda and Jim don't mind the dogs swimming in their pool, and being (mostly) retrievers... they were in it all afternoon....
Little Debbie had no troubles keeping up with the big guys.... in total there were 11 dogs.......
And I have to say, "my" little spitfire kept them all moving.......
Chloe - Linda's golden - is quite the swimmer, and even when she doesn't have guests... she loves to swim in "her" pool... this is Rick's Moxie, swimming right with her.... Moxie loves the water as much as Chloe does.....
Debbie would rather play tug... and was happy to take the toy from the ones who had swum out to get it.....
She did hop in one time... but wasn't that happy about it, and preferred to be "up on land" chasing and tugging.... it was a grand afternoon... and none of the humans swam!!!! (little too cool for us)... but I can tell you... we all brought home, very tired dogs!!!!
and here's just a sweet picture of Hunter and Trevor, enjoying the sunshine....... (nothing do to with the blog story!!!!)
It looks like we're off on a big adventure!!!! Well, I guess, in a way we are... but maybe not quite as exciting as it would seem.....
It's our annual shavings run..... fortunately, we have a lumber mill not that far from the farm, and it's easy to go and get a load of them. Just a matter of doing it... and calling in the troops....(I can do it myself, but having help is much better!!!)
And for as much goofing off as she does.... my little barn fairy is a very good helper too!!!! (and so is her MOM!!!)
After we got the shavings home and put away in the barn, it was time for some play....
The swing set is getting some use.... I can't believe how big Abbie has gotten since we bought this last year. I can't wait to see Reagan out there on it as well.... "Babys and Papas" always should have a swing set....
Abbie telling Debbie that she can't climb the "rock" wall......
On Friday, it was a day to spend back in our home town... time to get ready for the Annual Firemen's Muster.... the weekend always begins the same, with Ed pulling "Protection II" out of storage and the "Red Shirts" getting her all polished up for the big parade.
Reagan was so interested in the activity... as a little boy, I don't doubt that firetrucks will become a very popular item one day.....
He was all smiles for the men and got a lot of attention......
Friday evening, Ed attends the banquet hosted by the Red Shirts... so... we gals decided to go out to dinner. We picked this place because not only do they have good food... but outdoor seating.. which is a good place for Debbie to go and practice her manners......
She very quickly and happily went "under" for me... I was so pleased and surprised... and then....
I saw the "reason" why......she wasn't really doing her "work"... she saw a "goodie!!!"
And I think she was a bit surprised and disappointed when she knew I that I had caught on.... "no goodies for you little girl!!!!"
Saturday was the muster day.... it begins with the fire truck parade... Reagan's first!!!!
And Debbie's too... though neither one knew exactly what they were in for. But we were prepared.... I had an escape route all planned out if Debbie got worried, and for little Reagan....
His Daddy had brought ear protection. Those fire trucks can be mighty loud when you are standing there right in front of them.... and what fire fighter isn't going to use the siren or air horn when they have the golden opportunity to do so!!!!!
Abbie knew what to expect and waited anxiously for it to begin.....
She was happy to explain to her little cousin how this all works......
He looks pretty happy to just be part of the excitement....
Everyone is waiting!!!!!
Nate brought ear protection for Abbie as well.. she was pretty sure that she wouldn't need them, but was worried that Debbie might..... so she shared them.....
Not too sure how Debbie felt about having those heavy things on her ears.... but she was good sport about it.......
And here comes the parade... which is always lead off by the Red Shirts......
Our little beetle proudly carries the Queen once again....... it's a great little car and each year it's honored to have this duty....
Abbie did decide that ear protection was a good idea... especially when she saw Reagan wearing his....
Debbie was awesome during the parade.... she got a little annoyed with all the noise, but never "ran" or tried to get away... I have really good feelings about this little girl....
Just watching them go by.......
Abbie really enjoyed watching too... and was quite happy to get a lollipop to boot.....
So another year done...... I have to say, I love "field day" as we fondly call it... I attended my first one when I was 5 months old (just about Reagan's age)... and I haven't missed one yet!!!!!
After the parade we went to the field to watch the competitions.... it's so nice because they are really gearing this towards families... lots of good food to eat....
And Abbie was more than thrilled to find the "jumpy house".... I knew just where she was all afternoon, because she only came out long enough for a quick bite, and something to drink and it was back to jumping......
Debbie was a big hit and schmoozed the crowd..... people now begin to ask me about "this year's puppy"... guess I have been raising dogs for a while now when folks remember that this is what I like to do.....
And then, the whole day ends with the lobster bake. To be honest, I was so hungry by the time we got to the bake that I didn't get very many pictures.... especially where lobster (one of my favorites) is involved....
Our whole family was there.... I guess this is what you consider "true tradition"......
Especially when we pass it on from generation to generation.... until next year "Firemen's Muster"!!!!!