And here we are (already) another New Year's eve.... and my least "liked" holiday... because the Christmas season is coming to an end, and not being a party person... I just don't find it all that exciting. We puttered around the farm.. had this last little load of wood to tuck in the shed... there is no snow, so the sleigh hasn't been taken out... and it's just sort of a pitsy day......
Kass called and wanted to know if we wanted to go out to dinner with the Flagg side of the family. We all decided to go early because it's easier for the kiddos and we didn't have reservations any where, so might be limited on where we could get in. Warrens seemed like a good bet, they have nice meals and a salad bar... and could take us early...
They seated us out in the outer room, which turned out to be real nice because the kids could move around. Abi came along (she's spending the night with us)... and likes the idea that she can go up to the salad bar and pick out her own things....
Besides... she loves being with all of us.. especially her "Tee-tee"......
Reagan was a good little chap as well... he's becoming quite independent, and it using utensil's now when he eats...
if he eats.... tonite he was much more interested in feeding his tractor!!!!! It was a nice evening, and again... being with family is really "what it's all about".... that lesson I have learned well....
Abi had a second (third/fourth) Christmas present event... we had a few things here for her, so when we got back from supper, we had our own little Christmas eve on New Year's Eve.....
Tomorrow we will be hosting our Open house... it's become sort of a tradition around here, and some how makes the last of the holidays a little less of a let down. I'm not expecting as many as have come in the past.. but either way... my home filled with family and friends, can't get much better than that....
Well, for all of last night's being so very quiet.. today certainly made up for any of that. It's Christmas!!! and the first thought that came to my head is.. "we're all here, we get to celebrate with everyone".. and that is my Christmas gift!!!! After barn chores and making certain all pets were going to be good for the day, we headed down to Kassy and Nate's to have breakfast and open gifts with the Flagg side of the family. Needless to say when this part of the family gets together, there is very little room.......
It would seem that my stocking has suited Reagan well.. and it does hold a lot of goodies!!!!!
A beautiful breakfast for everyone... so yummy and so many good things to choose from!!!!!
And then "it" begins... and one little boy still isn't quite sure of all of this....
but it doesn't take him long to catch on.... this is the blanket that I made for him, with trucks and trains, and will fit nicely when he moves into his big boy bed......
Camille takes in all in stride... she's done this sort of thing before.......
Dave received a pot belly stove for the shop.....
Sadie, Jesse and Abi arrived a bit later, and Abi was so excited to open the gifts from all of us. She will spend the afternoon and evening with her Dad and his family.. so this little gal will certainly have a full day ahead of her.......
She got an Elsa doll from Papa and I... since the big movie of the year was "Frozen"... that seems to the the theme....
Charlie... checking it all out as well.....
and a new sweatshirt to wear when she goes and does "NEADS" things with Baby......
I'd say she's very exited about her new things......
One little boy seems ready for a morning nap... and I think we have done a "number" on Kassy's house....
so, while one little boy goes to rest up.. the big boys begin to play with the toys......
Sadie opens a few of her gifts.....
and a nice family photo of the "Manchester's".......
Later in the day we headed up to Mom and Dad's... they are doing well, but both are absolutely exhausted from the past month. Dad had a restless night, but he is more than happy to be home, and looks a little worse for the wear.... (thus no photos right now).....
But my family arrives to visit, have light eats and enjoy being together.... gifts are exchanged and appreciated but I know that we are just happy to be home and together....

And so the day ends with a few more gifts... and we don't stay too too long because both Mom and Dad are tired. Dad still has much healing to do, but just having gotten threw all of this is a true Christmas blessing...
and I am so happy tonite...
Christmas Eve .. day... so everything about this year's Christmas has not been the normal "way".. but it had made me come to think and appreciate things so much more, and for that I am grateful. We have received word that Dad will be home for Christmas and will be released from the hospital later on. Right now I am not planning on seeing him this evening, I think just getting home and settled will be enough "excitement" for one day, and we will be there tomorrow..... so, I stayed home, finished up some details and baked some more (of course) shortbread... my favorite cookie....
Then.. Titus and I watched some old Christmas movies and shows.......
Christmas eve we met up with Kas, Nate and Reagan and went to church. Reagan was so excited to see Baby, Papa and Danny walk into his church......
Danny was such a good boy.. the church was packed and really the room was so tight... but he just curled up under my feet, and like so many of the puppies before him... no one even knew he was there.....
Someone (though he is still too little to really know)... is excited about all of this... Reagan jumped from one person to the next during the service....
but this church is so about families, that one very excited little boy, only bring smiles to everyone's face......
After church we went back to Kass and Nate's for a bite of supper and just to spend the evening together. It was a "quiet" night for this family... with other members having gone other places.... but that's ok... I am appreciating what I have when I have it.....
and look who has discovered pockets!!!!! Reagan was so cute, putting his hand in his pockets and then walking about with one hand....
Reagan loves the dogs, and it is so nice to see how good everyone is with him. He kept walking over to Danny, petting him and saying "what a good boy".....
Playing hide and seek with Banjo......
Pockets again........
Opening the gift that Miss Gloria had sent in the mail for him.....
and his ornament being a little snowman with his name on it....
Finding just the perfect spot on the tree for it.......
and then, bedtime rolls around, and since tomorrow is going to be very busy... one little boy must get some sleep...
more than likely this will be the last Christmas eve that his parents will get any real sleep... because after this year, when some little chap understands the surprises of Christmas... sleep on this night will no longer exit....
peace and blessings to one and all....