here we are... the end of the month, and nothing really exciting to write about... it's been cold, and warm, and snowy... it's been January.....
But we do have this really neat icicle hanging at the corner of the house... I keep expecting it break off, but each day it just seems to grow a bit more and more... I wonder if it will make it all the way to the ground!!!!
So, little Cappy has seemed to settle right into the crazy house of ours. One nice thing about teaching so many dog classes right now, it's easy to fit her in. Sadie is doing a class with her pup Dunkin... so Abbie has been coming to puppy school each week... she was beyond thrilled to meet Miss Cappy....
Her exact words.... "Baby, she's just like Ry-ry!!! I asked if she would like to play with her for a little bit and she took the leash and they were off.... I've seen this photo before!!! I wonder if black labs will always play a big part in Abbie's life....
and really, doesn't she have the dearest face......
Debbie dog.... I finally caught her playing with her bucket. I have a few of these buckets kicking around the dog yard, and Debbie just has the greatest time with them.
At first Cappy wasn't so sure to see Deb hauling this bucket about... and it's makes a pretty good banging noise... but when Deb dropped it and went onto something else.. I notice that Cappy went right out to check it out..... (good girl)....
Most of these cold afternoons will find the cockers cuddled into some warm place. The afternoon sun just pours in the living room, and Cam knows how to find the "sweet spot"....
The life of my dogs... really all of my animals have it pretty good.....

And look here.. another "ufo" complete!!!! it's onto another, I certainly do have lack there of in this department.... so good bye to January, and into February... the "little month"....
Ok.. I know, I've talked about the weather almost every blog... but here's proof, we're back into winter. As Deb and I pulled ou tlast Thursday am to meet with my dog "peeps" and head to NEADS... this is the temp that my jeep registers.....
Still, it was a bright, sunny day.. no storms, so the driving was good, and it's fun to have a day out and about... and be with dog people!!!!
It's pretty much the same routine... we chat with the NEADS folks.. who make us feel like celebrities when we walk in.... Sherri gives Dave a call and tells him we're here... (and then we wait for Dave to show up!!!)
And we let puppies be puppies and do some goofing off until he arrives!!!!
Oh oh.. back to work!!!! We had a nice talk with Dave about our puppies and some up coming events at NEADS. Rayvan, Linda's dog is ready to head in for advance training... which means.. Deb isn't far behind... I hate thinking of parting, I love this dog (I know - I love all my dogs) but this little girl is very special and I have so enjoyed having her here....
Because the day did not warm up hardly at all, Dave decided (much to our pleasure) to skip going into the city and just "play" around NEADS. The puppies haven't had any time around the kennel, so we thought it would be a good day to do that.
They got to run and play in the yard... (but not too long.. too cold and look how icy everything is!!) I was pleased that Debbie came the moment I called her... even away from a playtime.....
And then we went into the kennel itself and just let everyone explore and check it out. Even though they don't spend a huge amount of time in the kennels during their advance training.. it's nice for them to be familiar with it...
All the puppies were very curious and looked around...
I think Deb was hoping to find some morsel of food... or perhaps a toy laying about. Overall, none of the dogs were overly concerned about being here....
After the kennel, we went up to the training room where Dave wanted to see the pups work. He brought out a number of "distractions" including the resident cat. Now... Deb LOVES our cats, and I have to say, she was more than interested in this one. This kitty (like ours) is very used to dogs, and could hardly care less about them, and even though Deb did her work, I could tell her attention wasn't entirely on me....
Dave pulled out the vacuum... no one cared... (Deb still watched the kitty).....
And as Dave ran the vacuum around... Deb still watched the kitty....
and watched the kitty.... I think we need to do some work at home about... "don't watch the kitties so much".. and I hope this isn't going to be a red flag in her file. She is very impulsive (which I like)... but that could be a "talent" not suited for service dog work... guess we'll see.
Now, turns out that there are quite a few puppies up in the puppy house that need to be placed. Since it was decided (through out the day) that Rayvan would be called back soon.. Dave offered one of the puppies to Linda. And so, she is already starting with her new
project.. Matty....
Look who else got a puppy!!! ME>>>> This is Cappy, she's 11 weeks old and is going home with Deb and I. And as excited as I am to have this sweet little girl, I can't help but think that Dave is making plans for Deb.
Deb still needs to be spayed (which I will schedule right away) and she will be a year in April, so the time is getting here - very quickly.. but since I have two puppies to work with right now..I'm not going to think about the "when" and just work on the "now...
Welcome to the farm little Cappy dog...... we're going to have a good time!!!!
We all know (knew) that this wonderful January thaw (which has lasted almost a whole week) wouldn't stay forever... and this morning as I was doing barn chores, I could see the cold front moving it....
It was pretty... but ... you know what's coming, we're back to winter!!!!
Today is Papa's birthday!!! and I was invited to go to work with everyone, because Dave was taking Ed (and all of us to lunch).... Kass and Reagan came along as well... and Reagan made all sort of "happy birthday faces" at his Papa!!!!!
We went to a local Chinese lunch buffet, and my goodness... was that good!!! I love Chinese food, especially when it's done "right".. and this was "right"... plus they had all kinds of good things to choose from!!! What a treat......
After lunch, we all went back to the shop... Ed got cards an a few gifts from everyone....
Kass made the cake and told us that it contained a "secret"!!!!
And when Ed cut into it.... M&M's poured out!!! What a neat idea...
So after a very yummy lunch, and dessert... some time to chat and then it was time to get back to work!!! After all... Dave can't give the whole day off....
Happy Birthday to my best friend!!! who happens to be my dear hubby!!!!
What was left of the cake came home, and Abbie got to come and see Papa too... (and have some of the cake).... She sang Happy Birthday to Papa... and it was so great to spend the time with her...
Birthday kiss....

And hug... and Ed and I are so blessed to have such a wonderful family!!!!
and we know it!!!!
Debbie and I were invited by Suzan and Friday to do a talk on Service dogs at a local Salvation Army meeting. And as it turns out, this was the first of two talks this week!!! (funny how when it "rains it pours"). Friday and Debbie have met before, so after their "hellos" both settled down and did their "service dog" thing.
While Suzan spoke, Deb and I listened quietly. I had her do an "under" (because it was good practice) and it showed the other people who were there, the good manners of a service dog. Most were so surprised when they learned that Deb is just 10 months!!!
Suzan did a nice talk, she answered questions - asked me to answer a few questions, and then had Friday demo some of the tasks that he can do for her....
It was a nice afternoon out and nice to share this sort of thing with people in our community....
(Deb and Friday sneak in a little goodbye kiss....)
The next day.. Deb and I were off again to do our own talk... we had be invited last fall to do a talk on service dogs at the Senior College. I had asked a couple of the others in the group to come as well.. but as it turned out, no one else was able to go...
I was told that there would be around 80 people attending this talk (good thing I don't mind speaking in front of crowds!!!) And there were just about 80 people there. The Senior college has all sorts of classes and lectures on all sorts of different things, and people were very interested in the service dog.
The fun part for me, was they invited me to their luncheon first... my that was so good.. and everyone met int he big dining hall. The gentleman that had asked me to speak acted as my host, and when we entered the dining hall (with food all over the tables) more that a few people looked very surprised when "a dog came in the room".
Deb was perfect!!! She has always been good in restaurants, she stayed right at my side until we were seated.. and then went right under the table and didn't move. I could see people looking and talking about us.
After the luncheon we went over to the lecture hall, and I felt like everyone wanted to come and talk and say how impressed they already were.
I was pretty pleased with my talk... I had drafted it out weeks ago and kept going over it.. I also had three dvd's that I got from NEADS to share... everyone enjoyed those. And I was only a little nervous when I knew I had to fill two hours... but the time zoomed by and the hours were gone before I knew it. So, two service dog talks, a chance to get out on some cold winter days... and more "experience" for Miss Deb...