Trying to keep up with all the fun things to do in the fall is a hard thing to accomplish!!! But today, we headed out to an annual "harvest fest weekend" to take in the sights, foods, and goodies. Sadie and Abbie, Catie and Bruce... Kassy and Reagan.... (and Danny and me!!!). It was an easy walk up to the event, so, we dressed for the weather and headed out...
I always have to take photos of these two when I can get them together!!!!!
It was just the perfect fall day. Bright sun and blue skies, and the best part... going on a week day, where the crowds were not quite so large. Saturday, this place will be so crowded, it would be hard to see or enjoy any of it (in my opinion)......
So many talented crafts people... I loved these little doggie bird houses (too bad they were so expensive .. or I might have bought one)... But she had almost every breed and they were neat to look at.....
Along with the crafts, were foods of all kinds. Some to eat there and some to buy and take home. I just love the country feel of it all.. and so glad to be a small town gal!!!!
More pumpkins Danny boy!!!!!
Some to buy and take home.....
and nothing doing, Reagan just had to pick a few more for home. He loves pumpkins!!!! (Kass almost "dreads" driving by pumpkins, because Reagan thinks they should all come home with him!!!)

We even came across a "scare crow dog".. which Danny found to be rather interesting. He's not afraid of "fall/Halloween" things!!!!

Speaking of which... it is that time of year once again.... and two little ones I know were looking forward to going out "trick or treating".....
Reagan, dressed as a "lumberjack".. and made a call at Meme and Beepa's house!!!!
Then Daddy dressed up too, and they went around the neighborhood. He doesn't look too happy in this photo, but I think he just wanted to get going. Certainly didn't take him long to figure out this, knock on the door and get treats thing!!!!!
Ab dressed up as the "mad hatter's daughter".. (one of the new Disney things)... she sure looked cute in her little outfit as well..... I didn't get to see the kids trick or treating as I had to teach dog classes.. but I'm happy that Kass took these photos!!!!!
And catching up on things around the farm. Poor Livy, has just discovered Titus... and it has taken her days to come to terms with this turtle thing that swims around the tank. She's so funny, and is fine if he is "resting" but when he begin to swim, she is not so happy about that. She barks at him and runs away from the tank... this photo she's finally getting brave, and though it's kind of funny, I'll be glad when she can make her peace with this!!!!
Old Silver, enjoying the last of the pasture grass... we'll be cutting this section off soon, so it can rest up for spring. But I'll miss seeing the horses right outside the house windows.... (can't see them when they are kept close to the barn)....
And since it's the end of the month, we had another check in trip down to NEADS with Danny. I love the fall, but when it rains, it's such a damp cold rain.... and it's just the kind that gets into your bones. Pretty enough... but yucky too....
The new client house is really coming along. We see big changes each time we go.....
But the rain doesn't stop the work, so after we chatted with Dave for a bit.. we headed into the city. It's a good idea because sometimes the weather can make the environment seem different. Dave thought it would be fun to work with Dan himself, and it gave me a chance to step back and watch them work.
We walked the city, and then popped into the hospital to warm up, have some lunch, and play on the elevators.... all went well.. Danny is doing so very well with his training....

Quick stop at the train station... Danny is beginning to think all of this is old hat!!!! And Dave is beginning to talk about when his time will come to be turned back in. (already)...
Seems time is going by as fast as the month have gone by. I try and keep up the blog, and realize just how quickly the weeks and months fly by... and now we look at November, and the holidays.... oh my!!!!
A very celebration!!!! In this beautiful place, we all got together to celebrate "soon to be" Baby Alana!!! Her parents are Diana and Patrick, life long friends. Growing up in the hometown, my neighbor Dee-dee and I had our children around the same time, thus Diana and Kassy were great friends from the beginning of time. Now, both adults, married women... they are having and starting families of their own.....
and what a blessing to be a part of it all. I fear in this day and age, people often don't remain in each other's lives, but it seems that we do keep our friends close .....
Danny got a special invitation to come as well... (thank you Diana).. because it was a nice thing for him to experience and check off his "training list"... though I don't think he was as quite as excited about going as I was being able to bring him. Seems most of my service puppies have either been able to attend some kind of "shower" or wedding....
Here is the Mom to be.. and her Mom (Dee-dee) ... this shower wasn't a surprise, but I think the number of people who were able to attend certainly did surprise Diana.....
Daddy to be - Patrick - was there as well... and here in this photo is Diana, Patrick, and Diana's twin sister Jenn. Baby Alana is due in December, so there isn't too much time to go.....
So many wonderful things... and all of the family invited to share. It was a wonderful party!!!!

Danny probably won't be here much longer after Alana comes... so, he wanted to wish Diana all good things with baby Alana......
Though I (sadly) don't have any photos for today... I just need to say (in print) Happy Birthday to my dear Dad.... he's 79!!!! October seems to be a good birthday month for this family!!! First Kass, then Abbie, and then my Dad... so to all these extremely special people in my life.... Happy Happy!!!!
Today is another very special day... Miss Abbie is turning FIVE!!! A very big deal for sure. We have three birthdays in October.. Kassy - Abbie - and my Dad!!!! Abbie was headed out for a special shopping day with Sadie and Jessie, but had to come to the farm to see me... (and do something else)...
Sadie said she can't believe she's the Mom of a five year old (think I can believe I am the Mom of children with children???)
Other than turning five... this was the harvest pumpkin day. That little pumpkin seed which started out in a paper cup, and grew all summer long in the front garden.. is now already to be taken home and made into a Halloween jack o lantern.
It grew to a nice size, and was heavy!!!!
And one little girl is happy with her growing success!!!!
Pumpkins and presents... being five is a wonderful thing!!! Happy birthday!!!!!
The trees at the edge of the pasture are putting on quite the fall show.......
Guinea hens enjoying the warmth of the day and getting ready for cold winter days ahead........
Livy had a very special visitor last week... think you're seeing double... well, yes you are!!! That's Livy little brother (half brother) and he now lives in town. A lady by the name of Val, has been seeing us out walking all summer. She has stopped a few times, because she lost her little dog a while back and is ready for another. She stopped by the farm, met the dogs, and when I told her that Livy had a brother needing a home, she contacted Karen....
and Guinness has now become her little pal. Val and I were just dying to get them back we picked a beautiful afternoon, and Guinness and Val came over and the puppies had a great run and play in the dog yard...
Livy loved playing with her little brother.. and they were so cute together...

Guinness will be taking a puppy class soon, and I dare say these two will have lots of time to play and be together... (Livy looks like she approves of that idea!!!)
So, here we are, another month. But today is a very special day... it's Kassy's birthday!!! I have always had the wonderful blessing of being with our girl for every one of her birthdays, nothing doing today... I had to go down and spend some time with her.....She's a beautiful wife and Mom.... and I (we) are just so proud of her....
We had a nice lunch together, and just some time to sit and talk... until the bus rolled down the street. Then we had to take the time and check that out.. and all the little kids getting off that big yellow bus. (very exciting!!!)
Snack time....
And a happy birthday "selfie" (as they call these photos...)
It was a wet fall day, but nothing dampens these spirits, and it's been such a pretty fall. I think October is one of my favorite months.. and really, from now until around the middle of January, I love this time of year. (I could do without the "real winter" months, and the hot summer months.. if truth be told!!!) It's going to be a busy time of year, but I plan to enjoy every moment possible!!!
One thing I haven't talked much about are the morning walks. I meet up with a friend and neighbor almost every morning, and we leash up the dogs and take a nice walk to start the day.... here is Livy, Tazzy and Cam.. all hiking along....
Livy, Hunter and Trevor... the boys are 13 this year, and I have to say, they can keep up with the younger ones.. though by the end of the walk, they seem happy to head for home... (have breakfast and usually snooze the rest of the morning!!)
Didn't get a very good picture of Susanne... but that's her girl Phoebe trekking along with the cockers....
We have a few different routes that we like to take, but the fair ground has been one of our favorites. There is a "track" and four times around makes a two mile walk. Often we're not the only ones that are out there... but it's fun and a good way to get the day started.
This is another friend, Kathleen and her boy Brutus. I have convinced Kathleen that she should give obedience showing a try... and being the good sport that she is... she's going to. Right now, we're all taking a rally class with Diane..... learning all the different signs and then running the courses....
Kathleen and Brutus are making good progress, and I think they will have their first title by the spring.....
Livy is doing a good job too. She gets a little confused, because she is also doing confirmation with Karen,and sometimes does her little show dog thing... but over all, she is coming along...
It's so nice to have an obedience dog once again. It's been a long time. Moxie was my last "real" obedience dog... I did show Cam a few times, but it really wasn't her thing. Livy seems to really like it, so I have high hopes for her....
Caught this great photo of my other little gal, enjoying the warm and light of an afternoon sun. Wish I had more time to spend like this, but it seems there is always something going on!!!!!