I hear "millions" of others ask the same question... "when??" "When did I become a grandmother -- to this great little guy"... "when did I become so very blessed to have such a wonderful family.... and husband"... "When did I become 55".... and all of that answers to "today"....
55!!! double nickel... more than half a century... and it all happened in the blink of an eye.
Since Kas and Nate married, Deb and I share these celebrations... and I couldn't think of anyone better to do that with. So, in our "usual and annual" way... we all got together for dinner, and celebrations!!!! These are the real presents in life...... the ones that I will always cherish...
And after coming so close to losing Dad this past winter, to have him (and Mom too) at my birthday party is the icing on the cake for sure....
Speaking of cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Deb is double nickel this year too!!!!! Funny how our first born kids were both born on the 1st day of the month (Nate in August, Kass in October) and Deb and I are just days apart with our birthdays......
Making wishes......................
and enjoying family!!! Mom, Reagan, Janice and my Dad...... all of Reagan's "greats"....
Even Nora decided to stay for the party.. and just for the record, I made that quilt for Kass and Nate.... it was a great evening, I couldn't have asked for anything nicer that my double nickel birthday... and onto many more....
The next day, Dave brought the snowmobiles up to the farm and the boys took to the woods for a nice ride. You'd think with all the snow we have had, that these kinds of things would be happening all winter. But, actually the snow has been too deep.... and it's been super cold, so you grab a good day when it comes...
Ed and I have talked about finding a couple of machines that we could use, we might have to put that on the "bucket list"....
Kass, Reagan and I just enjoyed being at the farm while the boys were out... I love it when they visit...
With dreams that spring is just around the corner..... it's time for the seasons to begin their change... winter has been here long enough.........
One thing that is always a favorite of mine, and the doggies as well... are the pet therapy visits. This time is was at the children's center.. which I think is the doggie's favorite place to go. The kids love to see them....
and I'd say the feeling is mutual. Livy was raised with Karen's boys, so she is well used to kids.... and the more active the better.... she seems to know just how to promote a calmness in everyone....this little chap was pretty excitable when he first saw her, but then when she did this... he just sat right down and began to pet her...
The children at this center are special needs... so it's fun to see how the interact with the dogs.....
Some are a bit afraid, others plunge right in, so it takes a good steady dog to handle whatever comes their way...
The staff enjoys the visits as well.... and the morning always goes by very quickly.
Livy says... "I love my job, but I have my eyes on you Mom!!!"
It would seem that the cats have pretty much decided that this is the way you spend your winter days. They certainly don't go out much this time of year... and dear little Annabelle is safely in the tack room, enjoying the warmth and getting her weight back on after her days of being lost. There is such a peace for me when I know "everyone is happy, safe and well"....
And Joey!!! we had our first official check in at NEADS.... he is turning out to be such a fun puppy, and is up for anything.....
Showing everyone that he knows how to 'greet politely".... (and everyone always like to fuss over the puppies...)
The news on Bella is that she will not be continuing her work as a service dog. We sort of knew this from the start, but she just doesn't enjoy it, and would be so much happier as someone's beloved pet. She get nervous in the city and when things are too busy... we're going to keep here with us until the right adoptive home is found, but I know she will land in the best of hands....
We headed into the city, Joey thought everything was great and was curious about anything new. This is a bit statue, and he walked right over to it and climbed up. Silly boy....
We popped over to the train station, the trains were moving about, and again.. Joey was just chilled.... everyone likes what they are seeing with this boy....
The big freight trains were moving cars around, Joey stood and watched for the longest time. Again, more curious than anything....
Bella came with us, but as you can tell by her ears pinned back, she was less than impressed with the freight train. So, again, more proof that her best job is going to be someone's cuddle bug....
It was cold in the city... but no snow!!!! funny how "just a few miles" will make such a difference in the weather. I think they have had colder weather than we (or is just that the city always seems so cold).... and they have had some ice storms... but walking on clear sidewalks seems strange somehow to me...
So, we head for home once again.. another successful training day, with more (and warmer) ones to come. What a great thing to be a part of this.. I love being a puppy raiser...
and two young dogs are going to be very happy to get back to the farm after this tiring day!!!
Yes, it's March... yes, it's still cold... yes, it is still winter...the winds are howling, the wood stove is chugging, and we are waiting.....
for spring.
It's so cold that even the snow from the barn roof is frozen in time.... each day it slips a bit more, but the cold catches it and it is stopped in mid air.
One warm day, this will come down with a mighty crash, and thus, anyone with good sense would never walk under one of these snow jams....
but for picture taking, I figured just a few moments would be safe enough... and make for some pretty good shots!!!!
It's finished!!!! so there's one thing about really cold weather... I'm not all that interested in being outside, and that makes for a good time to do "inside projects"... like quilting.....
It took me "just" 10 years to finish this quilt!!! The top has been done for years, but since I wasn't that happy with the colors, I stuck it away...until Ed kept "bugging" me about finishing it. I pulled it out last winter and began to hand quilt it... then it got too warm to work on it... I was determined to finish it this year... and I made that goal.... It looks pretty good on the bed, but right now, I am just so tired of looking at it, that I'll probably stick it away for a while.....
I felt the same way about this quilt too... it's a Dresden Plate... another quilt where I made the top, put that away, and years later pulled it out to quilt. I hand quilted this one as well... it's queen sized.... so, I have two big quilts done... I'd like to do a couple more, but having time to do them is the real "problem".... so I guess we'll see....
Despite the winter cold.. the sun is getting stronger. I love the way it shines in the house, and all afternoon, it lights the kitchen/living area... want to find the best sunny spots in the house....
just look to see where the dogs are!!! Hunter and Trev never miss a sunny spot in the afternoons.... they happily lay, soaking it all up in the happiest of ways.....
Today is Maple Sugar Sunday!!!! and even though the sap has been slow to run, the sugar houses are open and showing off their very best. We met up with Kass, Nate and Reagan and went exploring some of the local sugar houses. I love seeing the steam rising from the houses, and see the sap being boiled down.....
The sugar trees are holding pots collecting the sap.....but actually this is the old fashion way. Most sugar houses have gone to tubing the trees, it makes the collection easier, but certainly not as charming as the old buckets....
The tubing runs into large collection tanks, so it only make one stop for getting the sap, instead of having to stop by every tree.....
We really had to bundle up today, but Reagan was such a good sport. He loved seeing the houses, eating maple candy and climbing on the tractors that most of the houses had to show off.....
cold but fun day... we're a hardy lot!!!!
Many of the sugar houses in this area are pretty much commercial operations, so they have gone to the big ways of boiling. Even though it's modern, there is still a New England charm about it all and this time of year.....
However, it is surprising to see how many still re lie on wood as the source of heat. I think it might be a cheaper way to go,and perhaps they can regulate the temperature better.
And I have to say... pancakes served on paper plates with new, warm syrup just makes the day so special. So, we bundle up, we brave the cold, and celebrate Maple sugar Sunday!!!!