It's always exciting when things.... the ones you have planned for, thought about and wished on.... finally come together. This is our new back deck.. delivered, and ready to be put into place......
As with all building projects.. plans change... and one thing I have learned over time.. you have to be flexible. Sometimes, you can't get all the things you want, and sometimes you have to wait... but those are just rules of life... right?
This is a big (huge) project and certainly a bit more than Ed can do on his own. The work is too heavy for me to help (on this part anyways).. so we gave Ken a call and reserved him for a couple of weekends to get started....
And this is "where" it will go. Our original plan was to have a three season sun room off the living area of the house. (where the brown doors are).. but budget soon ruled that out. Since the siding had to go on, we opted to -one day- put a big deck on the back and forget about the sunroom.....
The height of the house makes either plan possible... but I am going to be very happy with a deck, for one thing... it might save me some trips up and down the cellar stairs letting dogs out. The pantry door will (hopefully) have a door that has a doggie door and in time, the pups can just let themselves out into the yard.... but, I'm getting ahead of myself.....
Even though we have always kept this door locked and often blocked... I have lived with the fear that someone might just open the door and fall out.... I am going to be thrilled that this won't be a worry anymore....
I try to imagine what it's going to look like... but I don't have that type of "vision"....
Livy was quite interested in the men working outside... it might be a task keeping everyone quiet when the work begins... they're certainly not used to 'seeing people outside this door"...
And the time in the dog yard will also have to be scheduled and work around the work going on. That could be interesting, but again... I'm more than happy to do what it takes...
the brothers.......
well... time to get these doggies in and let the menfolk get to work....
I'm excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A beautiful spring day arrived on Saturday.. perfect for hitching up, driving and full filling a promise!!! it's going to be a fun day. My friend Shirley had brought her grand daughter (who loves horses) to the farm for a visit over a year ago. But because I got "stuck at work (post office)" I never got home in time to be with them. We have talked off and on about making up that visit, and today is the day. Good ol Duke, he hasn't been hitched in months, other than the one Sunday we did get the sleigh out this winter... but this gentle giant always goes with the "flow".. and I knew he would give us all a nice little drive.

Shirley came and brought not just Casey, but her dad, Mike and her uncle Chris (Shirley's sons). Duke was all hitched and ready to go, so we started out driving about the farm. Casey was joyous and as soon as she got in the cart, she talked about all the things she's enjoy. She was so cute and fun, I could have driven with her all day...she and I went around a few times, and then I asked Shirley if she would like a ride...
Always up for fun and an adventure, Shirley was more than happy to hop in with Casey and I .. and off we went. I have to say we were a bit squished in the forecart.... which is why I really hope that sometime this summer, I find a cart that can carry more people comfortably.... a four wheeled cart with two seats would be perfect....
but we had a nice drive all the same.
"Uncle Chris" took a ride with me as well.. and Casey a few rides... such fun, this is what I always think of when driving... to be able to share this with family and friends. Driving along isn't the same as it is with friends...
Casey, after her rides was so excited to help unhitch and asked if she could brush Duke out. I love it when kids want to do "the work" as well as have fun.
My sweet gentle boy was so good with this little gal, and she wasn't one bit afraid of him.....
She "hit all the right spots".....
and you can just tell how much Duke enjoyed all the attention after his work.....
Since Casey didn't quite want the day to be over... we brought out a "horse" more of her size.
She was so happy to walk Mocha around the farm (and Mocha enjoyed a taste of that new grass)....
A bit of grooming, warm sunshine, and grass... what more could a "horse" ask for....
Certainly a great day for a little gal who is beginning to love horses, but I have to admit... an even "better day" for a big gal who has loved horses for many years... and sharing them is always the best!!!!!
We have made another promise for another day... and I will be sure that it happens... next time.. Mocha is going to work......
A couple summers ago, our friend Denise moved her horses and barn to the farm. It was fun having her around, but when she found a place to rent, the horses and barn left. Well... now Denise has lost the rental place, and needing somewhere to go.. we invited her to move back on the farm. Today is moving day!!! We loaded the horses first....
and then the truck arrived to get the barn. These are great little barns, and not really meant to be moved, but they certainly can be....

This company has it down to a science... the barn is built on "skids".. so it's just a matter of winching it up on the truck. However, this truck is also designed to do just this job, and really in a matter of minutes, it was up... on...
and ready to hit the road. Fortunately, it only has to travel a few miles.... but it could go cross country if needed.
The barn was right behind us, and here we go.. onto the farm.
Now, putting it where we wanted it to be was another story. I opted for having them go up the drive and then just back it in. But, the drivers wanted to take it across the field. Hummm.. a field that has only just cleared of snow, has been rained all all spring and the ground is about as soft as it can be..... not a good idea in my opinion...
Yup, pretty much as I had thought... they go stuck... and the deeper that barn sank into the ground, the more worried I became...
However, the driver was not one bit phased. He unloaded the barn... turned the truck around,
reloaded and came at it from another angel. Instead of pulling the barn across the field,
He gently pushed it. And what was more amazing to watch, is the truck and trailer were all moved by remote control. He never got back in the truck but did everything from a little hand held unit. He would inch the trailer out, then the truck backed up to the trailer.... inch it out again, back up again... the weight was better distrubted..
and even though it sank a little in the field, the continual movement kept everything from sinking in too far...

Once it was in the proper place, the barn slipped off the truck. A bit of leveling (which wasn't hardly anything) and Denise was back in business.. Up went fencing and the horses were home again.....
Since it was such a pretty day, and the barn moving project went much faster than I had thought. I decided to pull ol Duke out.. give him a much needed brush out, and do a little driving....
Good weather must be on the way... once these big boys begin to drop coat.. it's a sure sign....
almost enough hair to cover another horse!!!!
all harnessed... ready to go.. and then Duke sees, we have new friends!!!
Looking forward to lots of horse stuff this summer!!!!
Our monthly check in at neads!!! goodness, the time is always flying by!!! We stopped in at the campus and then headed right into the city. We have major concerns about Miss Bella... actually, we (puppy raisers) knew from the moment she came to us in January, that Miss Bella was never quite "service dog material"... she's extremely sweet... and wants to try.. but her soft manner isn't going to pass her. Both Kathleen and I have worked with her on all sorts of things, once she's used to something, than she is OK... but when something new crosses her path... like this bit quite statue...
Given the opportunity... she's out of there. We basically took her down today.. with the true expectation that she would be officially dropped.... then we can quit trying to push her into something she'll never be and find that perfect home for her...
Joey, on the other hand, it typical "all boy" lab. He plunges into everything with a great sense of humor and wit. He's been so much fun to work with.. except for one thing... Housetraining!!! I am having a horrid time with that and never.... it all my dog years .. have I not been able to house train a puppy. I have true concerns and stressed that big time to the trainers today....
Poor Bella... this city life is not for her. I was so sad to see her face.. which pretty much looked this way the whole day.... those tight pinched eyes says it all... "this is not what I want to be doing today"....
We continued threw the day. Bus station with all those noisy (stinky) buses... Joey saw no troubles with.....
Beautiful "unders" at all the stations waiting places...
Trains roaring threw...
Bella continued to do her best, but now the trainers are seeing a whole different side...
Joey didn't even notice the traffic whizzing behind him....
But, being a baby, he did poop out .. and so when Bella went to do the hospital walk.. and Joey being tired (and having not done his business) we opted to wait just inside the door
Upon the return from the hospital walk, everyone has pretty much agreed that Bella will be dropped. And as sad as it seems, I know Kathleen and I are actually relived for her. Not every dog wants this job and fortunately, there are people who know and understand that.
On another note here, we have two new trainers we are working with now. Lacey and Anne... Dave has decided to take on a new venue and is no longer at Neads. I am going to miss him greatly, because I loved talking not just service dogs.. but dog training in general with him. He was so knowledgeable and we had so many thoughts in common. The gals seem very nice and we're willing to take on whatever challenges come our way... and things change.. life changes, so you just need to go with it.
Our eyes (and concerns) now turn to Joey... I hope we can sort this potty thing out.