This was a day filled with memories and emotions for sure. It actually began with a funeral for the Mom of a childhood friend. I have to say one neat thing about facebook, is that I have found a number of old friends and it has been nice to reconnect with them. Salli's Mom was a lady that I have always admired and so when she passed I just had to attend. Salli now lives in the south, so she flew up and even though our meeting was brief, it was nice to see her again.
After the funeral, I ran back home, did chores and we were off again. The fire department wanted to have an afternoon of "just getting together".. and even though we aren't in town anymore, Ed is always included in these events... so, it was back to town to join in. This was a fun afternoon (after my morning).. we met up with all our friends, and there were many stories and things to see with regards to the department and their times together.... These t-shirts are a project of Ed's. Each field day he designed a t-shirt to be sold. Every year had a different truck.....
Old photos were laid out on tables, and as you can see, everyone so enjoyed looking them over and bringing up the old stories that went along with them....
Many of the "old timers" as they are fondly called... came... including Bob and my Dad.... Bob really can't do much with the department as he lost a leg a couple years ago, but he still enjoys being a part of it... and my Dad does still go to the station and helps where he can.... so nice to see what dedication and a love for a purpose is all about...
Ed and Bob shared many stories.... Bob is always good for lots of wonderful stories...
The fire department has a big anniversary coming up in just a year.... and Ed has had something that he felt it was time to return. You can imagine the excitement this stirred when he walked in with this big "present"....
it stayed under wraps until most of the folks had arrived......
and when it was revealed... this is it. Back in the day (before radios and a dispatch center).. all calls where notified by the fire horn. This board told what number of blasts belonged to what part of town. Course, the town was much smaller back then. That horn could be heard for miles and for many many years, this system worked well. As a child, my favorite sound was three long blasts...which meant that school was being closed due to snow. Sadly the horn isn't used anymore... just one blast at noontime to mark the time, but other than that.. it stays quiet.... time has moved on.. there are better and faster ways of communication... but some of us still remember how it "used" to be...
Because Ed donated the "big sign".. the guys gave him a "call card" (with the same info) that used to be handed out to the citizens and fire fighters, so that when they heard the horn, they could check and "see" where the fire call was. This will be a treasured item for sure....
There are so many great things about modern technology for sure, and I dare say.. much of it is better. But somehow it lacks the charm of some of the things of the days of old.... on my.. does this begin to show my real age????
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Friday, May 29, 2015
hello to neads......
Today was check in day with Mr. Joey.... it was a beautiful spring day to be heading south, and it's always a day of fun. I'm not sure if I always enjoy the company, a day away from "usual" routines, or eating out and seeing "other parts of the country".....
Joey's training is coming along. He's a smart boy, and a very steady dog. Nothing "bothers" him.... he can work with (or for) anyone....
We went into the city and he took it all in stride. Sometimes this statue in the middle of the city will really upset a dog... Bella for one, was terrified of it... but Joey walked right over, and then thought he might get a better view if he stood on it....
We did all the usual sights... but we're working with a new team now... since Dave left us a few months ago, it's Lacey and Dawn at the helm. They're nice gals and are working to see how the full timers do it verses the weekend puppy raisers. I was a little uncertain at first, but it's all going to work out, we just need to be flexible.
Joey says.... I can be flexible.. and you can too.....
Everyone is pleased with his work.. and after a day of walking the streets, we had one thirsty puppy on our hands. My guess is Joey will only be here a couple more months and then it will be his turn for "turn in"... and another puppy steps in and out of my life...
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
new bees.....
We have a new hive... which is very exciting, because not only does this one "replace" the hive we lost last winter... but the fact that we have one. I ordered this hive last January when I had discovered the other one had died.. so all winter/early spring, I have been awaiting this arrival. About a week ago, I got a note from our bee folks... but NOT what I was expecting. The hives that we had ordered from them... had been STOLEN!!!! all 50 hives that they ordered for clients.... GONE!!!! and worse news, they weren't so sure that they could find hives to replace them.
So, who would steal bees and why. Well, turns out that those 50 that were taken were just a small number, actually over 300 hives were taken. All the hives were in nuc boxes and ready to be shipped. They were being "housed" in a field until the truck could come and get them, so it was easy for someone to just slip in - probably in the middle of the night, pack up the bees and be gone. With the loss of bees this winter (it is said on average 40% of the bees were loss).. everyone is looking for bees... including commercial bee people. Anyone who "knows bees" .. can easily see how easy they are to take and then repackage and sell.... pretty sad, but true.
I told our bee people that I would like to remain on the list, and if they could find some for us, that would be great... I could only hope my patience would prove out... and it did.
Another local bee keeper said he was splitting hives and would help were he could. So, I was very happy when we got a call to pack up our hive and go and get out bees....
they traveled well and we got them out in our bee yard and watched them fly.
It's kind of funny how attached I am to "my bees"... though they don't have a clue as to who I am. I really felt so sad when I lost the others, and I will be very careful to keep a close eye on this hive...... there is some word that we might be able to get a second hive too, so I said to let me know.... not that I really want two hives, but after losing those hives, and knowing how much I miss them.. I am happy to have what I can.
so.. things are buzzing around the farm once again...... and I am looking forward to happy bee keeping days......
So, who would steal bees and why. Well, turns out that those 50 that were taken were just a small number, actually over 300 hives were taken. All the hives were in nuc boxes and ready to be shipped. They were being "housed" in a field until the truck could come and get them, so it was easy for someone to just slip in - probably in the middle of the night, pack up the bees and be gone. With the loss of bees this winter (it is said on average 40% of the bees were loss).. everyone is looking for bees... including commercial bee people. Anyone who "knows bees" .. can easily see how easy they are to take and then repackage and sell.... pretty sad, but true.
I told our bee people that I would like to remain on the list, and if they could find some for us, that would be great... I could only hope my patience would prove out... and it did.
Another local bee keeper said he was splitting hives and would help were he could. So, I was very happy when we got a call to pack up our hive and go and get out bees....
they traveled well and we got them out in our bee yard and watched them fly.
It's kind of funny how attached I am to "my bees"... though they don't have a clue as to who I am. I really felt so sad when I lost the others, and I will be very careful to keep a close eye on this hive...... there is some word that we might be able to get a second hive too, so I said to let me know.... not that I really want two hives, but after losing those hives, and knowing how much I miss them.. I am happy to have what I can.
so.. things are buzzing around the farm once again...... and I am looking forward to happy bee keeping days......
Sunday, May 24, 2015
a weekend away......
We have a farm sitter!!!! and maybe that news doesn't seem all that exciting... but it is, because it means now that Ed and I can take little vacations and know that things will be in good hands!!! so.... now that we do have a farm sitter, we are going off for the Memorial Day weekend to visit with an Amish friend, Noah and his family.
But our mini vacation actually started Thursday evening... when we had been invited to the opening night at the Playhouse. We saw the play Sister Act, and it was such fun!!! Ed and I have always enjoyed going to the Playhouse, and when the girls were little, we always tried to take in at least one play each summer. We have seen some great plays there, and sometimes I forget just how much fun they are. This summer there are some good plays lined up, so we hope to get back there again.
The summer seems to be finally shaping up... we've had some real pretty days... the guineas are on tick patrol and must be doing a good job, because we don't seem to have any real issues with ticks. Lots of folks, especially my dog students have been complaining about the ticks, so I am so pleased at the job these critters are doing!!!! But, back to our mini vacation.
We met up with my Mom and Dad early Friday morning.... Dad had some clocks and watches that he is bringing to Noah (which is how they met.. threw the clock business)...and it's a six hour ride, or things are done by mail. Because, being Amish.. Noah does everything the old ways.. no phone, no computers... nothing of the "modern world".. Our drive up was fine, weather was decent -- ran into some rain -- but over all a nice ride, and a change of scereny ... it was nice to have the long ride, to sit and chat with Mom and Dad.. and just catch up on all that life has to offer these days. We arrived at the hotel around dinner time... had some supper, and called it a day...
Saturday morning, I woke and need to walk Camille (she was the doggie of choice with this trip).. I headed outside and found....
SNOW!!! the end of May.... really????
I called back to Ed to take a look outside.. and then tried to snap a photo of his expression.... he couldn't believe it either...
Dad was up and out too.. walking with little Amy.... and if this picture makes it look miserable.. well.. it was. The snow was heavy and wet, and the wind was howling... one would think it was more like January than May...
Camille got her morning business done quickly, and we came back to the room, only to hear that the news was announcing that "snow was falling in north Maine".... no kidding I thought. I called home and Kass said it was windy and cool, but sunny and certainly not the weather we were getting. We knew that it really wouldn't last long, and either way, it wasn't going to ruin our visit.....
Poor Camille... I have to wonder what she is thinking about all of this!!!
The ride from the hotel to Noah's was a bit longer... but it was a chance to see the country side. This is potato country... lots of open fields (which is nice to still be able to see)... and in a number of towns, they have gone to trying wind power. So there are a lot of wind mills around.
The morning got brighter and brighter, and soon just the mountains in the back grounds, and the spots that didn't have sun yet, had the snow... but much of it disappeared quickly.
However, the cold didn't... and the wind. It was very windy.....
We arrived at Noah's farm, and everyone was so welcoming. Here we are referred to as "the English"... but this Amish community is right in the middle of "the English" community, and Noah had a few neighbors popping in and out while we were visiting as well.
I got to meet Noah's wife and children.. my parents have been here before so they knew them.. but it was fun to see his family. The kitchen was warm with the cook stove going, the girls were baking... pies and breads... and though I didn't know it at that moment... our lunch. The little boys (ages 12 maybe down to 8) were quite fascinated with us.... but they were heading out to the fields.. it's planting time and there is much for them to do.
We had a nice visit, and got to learn abit about the life of an Amish family without prying too much into their personal life. All I can say is, if we had Amish neighbors, they would be great neighbors. Noah showed us his clock shop, and then did a little tour of the barns... they have cows that they milk (by hand... and then sell the milk to the Hood company).... Noah's wife had plants in her green house, waiting to get into the ground.. (but not today for certain)...and the farm was busy with all kinds of folks coming and going.
Noah's son in law had made a run to get some fertilizer ... course everything is done by horse power (and you can see how windy it was by the way that horse's tail is blowing)... These horses have the best manners, but of course, they are worked every day and have an important job to do.
Belgians seem to be the work horse of choice, but we saw plenty of Percheron as well. And for the light work, the Standardbreds are the ones that they use.... This boy could have been Duke's or Tonka's brother. Course Noah and I had the chance to talk horse... (one of my favorite topics)....
We visited all morning and then Noah said that we were invited for lunch. Well, lunch to me is a sandwich.. but not today. The family had prepared a complete turkey dinner!!! topped off with pie and or cake for dessert... and can I say.. it was just so yummy.
The boys came in from the fields.. we were in the barn when they came in... and I just watched in amazement. Now I know this is their way of life and they do it everyday, but to see these little ones handle those big work horses, and everyone just knows what to do. The horses came in, bridles were taken off.. and then (harness and all) they walk to their stalls for a rest and some lunch, while the people have their lunch as well. The boys said it was cold out in the fields, but again.. time is short and these people don't waste one moment....
After lunch, I was talking with one of the girls, and heard the sound of horses coming down the road... Amanda (Noah's daughter) said.. "here comes Dan with the new wagon".. and I looked out and saw the most beautiful team of Shires pulling this beautiful new wagon. Course the moment they pulled up and stopped, everyone had to come out and see.
I'm hard pressed to say what I liked better, the team... or the wagon. Either way, they were grand... and it's easy to see that Dan is pretty proud of them....
If I heard correctly.. this wagon was actually made for a client (English) of Dan's. He still needs to paint or stain it, but the wood needs some time to dry out a bit before he can do that. I had a great time talking to him about both the wagon and his team.
Now the boys had come back in from the field with a little problem. The fertilizer spreader was acting right. So Noah went over to see what the trouble was. Well.... being kids and probably wanting to rush threw their work.. they had filled the hopper too full, and it had jammed.... which meant they needed to shovel everything out and start all over.
Noah just smiled and shook his head... "they'll listen the next time... because they just doubled their work"... he told us.....
It didn't take them too long to get things straighten out... and then they did what Dad had suggested.... they took the hopper out empty.. and the other wagon and team had the fertilizer and they loaded the hopper in the field....
and off the go.. back to work.....
Dan and his wife live just down the road a ways from Noah... Dan makes furniture and other wood items. We wanted to see his shop... so he said he would head home and we could come and see. As they were getting ready to go, Noah asked me if I would like to ride home with Dad and have a try in that new wagon... Well it took me all of a half of second to answer that question. So Ed and I bundled up and hopped on and had a nice ride with Dan and his wife Iva.....
We visited with them for a while, Dan showed us all around his wood working shop.. and he and Ed had a good conversation about different pieces of equipment and such. We actually have a lot of things in common.....
Mom and Dad came along too (in the car) and we just had such a nice time.
The day went zipping by and since Sunday is their day of rest, we knew the families had much to do to finish up their Saturday work. We didn't want to overstay our welcome.. but I could have visited for much longer. I have a new appreciation for these folks, and though they choose to live a simple life that seems so foreign to us... they are just people.. and it's nice to think of them as friends.
Sunday was the ride home... we talked and just shared the fun time we had. We brought back some gifts for the kids.. one being an Amish straw hat for Reagan. One of Noah's little boys had out grown it, and he was happy to pass it on....
I have a hat too, that Mom and Dad got for me the last time that they visited with Noah... I love it....
Such a great weekend... and I'm not sure what part was best... the fact we have a good farm sitter (thanks Astrid) and we can now get away.... or this special time with my Mom and Dad... or meeting Noah and looking at life from a different angle...
At any way I see it..... I am extremely blessed.....
The summer seems to be finally shaping up... we've had some real pretty days... the guineas are on tick patrol and must be doing a good job, because we don't seem to have any real issues with ticks. Lots of folks, especially my dog students have been complaining about the ticks, so I am so pleased at the job these critters are doing!!!! But, back to our mini vacation.
We met up with my Mom and Dad early Friday morning.... Dad had some clocks and watches that he is bringing to Noah (which is how they met.. threw the clock business)...and it's a six hour ride, or things are done by mail. Because, being Amish.. Noah does everything the old ways.. no phone, no computers... nothing of the "modern world".. Our drive up was fine, weather was decent -- ran into some rain -- but over all a nice ride, and a change of scereny ... it was nice to have the long ride, to sit and chat with Mom and Dad.. and just catch up on all that life has to offer these days. We arrived at the hotel around dinner time... had some supper, and called it a day...
Saturday morning, I woke and need to walk Camille (she was the doggie of choice with this trip).. I headed outside and found....
SNOW!!! the end of May.... really????
I called back to Ed to take a look outside.. and then tried to snap a photo of his expression.... he couldn't believe it either...
Dad was up and out too.. walking with little Amy.... and if this picture makes it look miserable.. well.. it was. The snow was heavy and wet, and the wind was howling... one would think it was more like January than May...
Camille got her morning business done quickly, and we came back to the room, only to hear that the news was announcing that "snow was falling in north Maine".... no kidding I thought. I called home and Kass said it was windy and cool, but sunny and certainly not the weather we were getting. We knew that it really wouldn't last long, and either way, it wasn't going to ruin our visit.....
Poor Camille... I have to wonder what she is thinking about all of this!!!
The ride from the hotel to Noah's was a bit longer... but it was a chance to see the country side. This is potato country... lots of open fields (which is nice to still be able to see)... and in a number of towns, they have gone to trying wind power. So there are a lot of wind mills around.
The morning got brighter and brighter, and soon just the mountains in the back grounds, and the spots that didn't have sun yet, had the snow... but much of it disappeared quickly.
However, the cold didn't... and the wind. It was very windy.....
We arrived at Noah's farm, and everyone was so welcoming. Here we are referred to as "the English"... but this Amish community is right in the middle of "the English" community, and Noah had a few neighbors popping in and out while we were visiting as well.
I got to meet Noah's wife and children.. my parents have been here before so they knew them.. but it was fun to see his family. The kitchen was warm with the cook stove going, the girls were baking... pies and breads... and though I didn't know it at that moment... our lunch. The little boys (ages 12 maybe down to 8) were quite fascinated with us.... but they were heading out to the fields.. it's planting time and there is much for them to do.
We had a nice visit, and got to learn abit about the life of an Amish family without prying too much into their personal life. All I can say is, if we had Amish neighbors, they would be great neighbors. Noah showed us his clock shop, and then did a little tour of the barns... they have cows that they milk (by hand... and then sell the milk to the Hood company).... Noah's wife had plants in her green house, waiting to get into the ground.. (but not today for certain)...and the farm was busy with all kinds of folks coming and going.
Noah's son in law had made a run to get some fertilizer ... course everything is done by horse power (and you can see how windy it was by the way that horse's tail is blowing)... These horses have the best manners, but of course, they are worked every day and have an important job to do.
Belgians seem to be the work horse of choice, but we saw plenty of Percheron as well. And for the light work, the Standardbreds are the ones that they use.... This boy could have been Duke's or Tonka's brother. Course Noah and I had the chance to talk horse... (one of my favorite topics)....
We visited all morning and then Noah said that we were invited for lunch. Well, lunch to me is a sandwich.. but not today. The family had prepared a complete turkey dinner!!! topped off with pie and or cake for dessert... and can I say.. it was just so yummy.
The boys came in from the fields.. we were in the barn when they came in... and I just watched in amazement. Now I know this is their way of life and they do it everyday, but to see these little ones handle those big work horses, and everyone just knows what to do. The horses came in, bridles were taken off.. and then (harness and all) they walk to their stalls for a rest and some lunch, while the people have their lunch as well. The boys said it was cold out in the fields, but again.. time is short and these people don't waste one moment....
After lunch, I was talking with one of the girls, and heard the sound of horses coming down the road... Amanda (Noah's daughter) said.. "here comes Dan with the new wagon".. and I looked out and saw the most beautiful team of Shires pulling this beautiful new wagon. Course the moment they pulled up and stopped, everyone had to come out and see.
I'm hard pressed to say what I liked better, the team... or the wagon. Either way, they were grand... and it's easy to see that Dan is pretty proud of them....
If I heard correctly.. this wagon was actually made for a client (English) of Dan's. He still needs to paint or stain it, but the wood needs some time to dry out a bit before he can do that. I had a great time talking to him about both the wagon and his team.
Now the boys had come back in from the field with a little problem. The fertilizer spreader was acting right. So Noah went over to see what the trouble was. Well.... being kids and probably wanting to rush threw their work.. they had filled the hopper too full, and it had jammed.... which meant they needed to shovel everything out and start all over.
Noah just smiled and shook his head... "they'll listen the next time... because they just doubled their work"... he told us.....
It didn't take them too long to get things straighten out... and then they did what Dad had suggested.... they took the hopper out empty.. and the other wagon and team had the fertilizer and they loaded the hopper in the field....
and off the go.. back to work.....
Dan and his wife live just down the road a ways from Noah... Dan makes furniture and other wood items. We wanted to see his shop... so he said he would head home and we could come and see. As they were getting ready to go, Noah asked me if I would like to ride home with Dad and have a try in that new wagon... Well it took me all of a half of second to answer that question. So Ed and I bundled up and hopped on and had a nice ride with Dan and his wife Iva.....
We visited with them for a while, Dan showed us all around his wood working shop.. and he and Ed had a good conversation about different pieces of equipment and such. We actually have a lot of things in common.....
Mom and Dad came along too (in the car) and we just had such a nice time.
The day went zipping by and since Sunday is their day of rest, we knew the families had much to do to finish up their Saturday work. We didn't want to overstay our welcome.. but I could have visited for much longer. I have a new appreciation for these folks, and though they choose to live a simple life that seems so foreign to us... they are just people.. and it's nice to think of them as friends.
Sunday was the ride home... we talked and just shared the fun time we had. We brought back some gifts for the kids.. one being an Amish straw hat for Reagan. One of Noah's little boys had out grown it, and he was happy to pass it on....
I have a hat too, that Mom and Dad got for me the last time that they visited with Noah... I love it....
Such a great weekend... and I'm not sure what part was best... the fact we have a good farm sitter (thanks Astrid) and we can now get away.... or this special time with my Mom and Dad... or meeting Noah and looking at life from a different angle...
At any way I see it..... I am extremely blessed.....
Monday, May 18, 2015
back in the rings.....
Spring weather has found us for sure, and all the apple orchards that are around our farm are looking like this. It's a beautiful sight, but sadly it really only lasts about a week, and then the leaves come out and the apple peddles fly away on the wind...
I make a point of either driving slowly by, or actually pulling over to enjoy the view whenever I can. The bees and other such creatures are certainly busy at work now....
But, it also is a time for another wonderful event. Livy and I (along with Kathleen and Brutus) are in the four day "Coastal Cluster" dog show. We are working towards our Beginner Novice title and our first Rally obedience title.... this is a very first for Kathleen and Brutus.. and for me... a first in the sense that it's been a long.... long time, since I have been to a dog show. In fact... 11 years.....
This is a nice show.. it's close to home, very well run, and the fact that four days of showing makes it possible to pull off the title.... here is Livy and I, our first day out in the rally ring....
she's a good little worker and seems to enjoy being at the show. Which is important, because I had have puppies that don't enjoy dog shows... and when that happens, it really isn't worth being there.
Our run was beautiful... Livy had a great time, and I am pleased to think that I have another show dog in the works. My little Moxie was my last "grand" show dog and I truly hope that Livy is willing to step in that place. Not that I want to be at dog shows every weekend, but it would be nice to pull one off once in a while.
Kathleen and Brutus are having a good time as well. He loves to do anything that Kathleen asks of him, so no doubt that new titles will be added to his name...
and in fact, he placed first in his class and they earned an award for highest scoring first time handler/dog team... Livy earned a first in her classes too.. so day one of dog show... success......
Day two brought successes for both of us as well... and since you need to have three good runs for a title.. tomorrow is going to be "the day"... which would give us day four with bummer legs if needed....
Day three.... here we go again.... sometimes dogs are getting rather tired at this point, but Livy has kept her energy and spirits up, and is proving that showing is certainly going to be "her thing"....
I love this photo.. good eye contact, happy expression in her face... she's having a good time....
right with me...................
nice "circle round...."... (judge is looking happy in the back ground...)
heading to the "finish" and she's still there...
and we end the day with a third placing and a brand "new title" ribbon to boot.....
By day four of the show.. Livy did just as well... she placed in all of her classes, earning both the titles we were after... but I can see that she is ready to call it a weekend, and go back to farm dog status....
and here is our "loot".... placing in all her classes (two each day) and coming home with two new titles...
course it only means... we jump up to the next level.. but I'm back in the rings once again!!!!
I make a point of either driving slowly by, or actually pulling over to enjoy the view whenever I can. The bees and other such creatures are certainly busy at work now....
But, it also is a time for another wonderful event. Livy and I (along with Kathleen and Brutus) are in the four day "Coastal Cluster" dog show. We are working towards our Beginner Novice title and our first Rally obedience title.... this is a very first for Kathleen and Brutus.. and for me... a first in the sense that it's been a long.... long time, since I have been to a dog show. In fact... 11 years.....
This is a nice show.. it's close to home, very well run, and the fact that four days of showing makes it possible to pull off the title.... here is Livy and I, our first day out in the rally ring....
she's a good little worker and seems to enjoy being at the show. Which is important, because I had have puppies that don't enjoy dog shows... and when that happens, it really isn't worth being there.
Our run was beautiful... Livy had a great time, and I am pleased to think that I have another show dog in the works. My little Moxie was my last "grand" show dog and I truly hope that Livy is willing to step in that place. Not that I want to be at dog shows every weekend, but it would be nice to pull one off once in a while.
Kathleen and Brutus are having a good time as well. He loves to do anything that Kathleen asks of him, so no doubt that new titles will be added to his name...
and in fact, he placed first in his class and they earned an award for highest scoring first time handler/dog team... Livy earned a first in her classes too.. so day one of dog show... success......
Day two brought successes for both of us as well... and since you need to have three good runs for a title.. tomorrow is going to be "the day"... which would give us day four with bummer legs if needed....
Day three.... here we go again.... sometimes dogs are getting rather tired at this point, but Livy has kept her energy and spirits up, and is proving that showing is certainly going to be "her thing"....
I love this photo.. good eye contact, happy expression in her face... she's having a good time....
right with me...................
nice "circle round...."... (judge is looking happy in the back ground...)
heading to the "finish" and she's still there...
and we end the day with a third placing and a brand "new title" ribbon to boot.....
By day four of the show.. Livy did just as well... she placed in all of her classes, earning both the titles we were after... but I can see that she is ready to call it a weekend, and go back to farm dog status....
and here is our "loot".... placing in all her classes (two each day) and coming home with two new titles...
course it only means... we jump up to the next level.. but I'm back in the rings once again!!!!
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